

02月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求几篇班级誓词]在这人生转折的关键时刻,我们 班 名同学庄严宣誓:成长于乐中这片热土,聆听恩师们的教诲,感受父母的恩情,心怀报效祖国之志,我们 全体同学正以饱满的热情,百倍的信心,全力以赴的迎接...+阅读

I recall that in the rural home of the grandmother, a big black dog, it can be said to be good partners in my childhood.

That is one of more than one metre in length big dogs, it has a pair of alert eyes, deep black fur dazzling, who met with the city can not help but love it.

According to Tai Yi said that the Heigou Laoye was 11 years ago as a reward to hold the uncle, over the years has been a big Heigou grandmother's home loyal bodyguards, born to a 4.5 on the Zhijiao, which also let a big Heigou Name. I and the Great Heigou some common good memories! Every morning we are basically eating big Mo or steamed stuffed buns, often at this time, the Federation of Heigou particularly affectionate to Ceng up, turns heads and I stare at the hands of the big Mo or steamed stuffed buns, I can only give it half Bai, and then Awuawu us to eat together. On another occasion, I would like to Zaishu in the backyard, I do not want to soil Henlan, Huanlai big Heigou order it helped me a Paochu Tai Hang, the Heigou very obedient and hard to help me in a Tai Hang Paochu , I sat next to a drink, is Zuoxiangqicheng, Ye!

The last time to see the Heigou is the year before winter, we have found large Heigou the abdominal area for a square decimetre mass. The grandmother said Heigou sick, I am very sad.

Grandmother to call earlier that the Heigou dead, it is the tumor claimed the life. I do not have too sad, because I know that the Heigou on at the moment is standing at heaven watching us?


优美散文诗求几篇你走过我的欢喜悲伤 走进遗忘 我却总在祝福燕雀 它们嘹亮的誓言 把语音像树一样栽下 又像树一样伐倒 我只记住最初的你 水月镜花的形象 你像世界一样对待我 让我怀抱从前的...

求几篇伤感日志假如我死了 -------写给未婚的妻子 假如我死了, 毫无预兆地突然就这么无声无息地离你而去, 亲爱的!你一定要相信, 对于我来说,死并不是一个很可怕的字眼。 陌生的世界里,也许黑暗...


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