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[21世纪大学实用英语第三册答案]Unit 1 5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary. 1. curious 2. affects 3. emergency 4. locked 5. Relatively 6. complai...+阅读

Objectives and RequirementsLanguage1.Review:Where did you buy those shoes?I bought them at the shopping mall.How much were they?They were 25yuan.That's cheap.2.Sounds and words:/k/,/gl/Vocabulary1.Key:a box of chocolates, a loaf of bread, a carton of milk, a can of cola, a tube of toothpaste, a pack of cards, a bunch of flowers, a pair of sunglass.2.Additional:grocery store, supermarket3.Sounds and words: clown, clock, clothes, glass, glue, glovesMaterials1.Picture cards.2.Real objects.Teaching Procedure:The First PeriodStep 1.Revision1.Revise the phrases they've learnt last terma piece of candy, a carton of ice cream, a pair of socks, a bag of chips, etc.Step 2.Presentation1.Use the picture cards or real objects to teach the new phrases:a box of chocolates, a loaf of bread, a carton of milk, a can of cola, a tube of toothpaste, a pack of cards, a bunch of flowers, a pair of sunglass.2.Play a game: Guessing game3.Teach the sentences:Where did you buy those shoes?I bought them at the shopping mall.How much were they?They were 25yuan .That's cheap .4.Group work, and then pair work, using the new phrases and the sentences.5.Practice 1:Listen to the tape and finish the listening exercises.6.Song activity: Listen to the tape ,learn to sing .Step3.Homework1.Use the new phrases to make new sentences.2.Recite Target.教学后记:_____The Second PeriodStep 1.Revision1.Ask and answer:Where did you buy…?How much ….?2.Ditate the new phrases and sentences.Step 2.Presentation1.Let the students listen to the tape ,and then answer the questions:1)Where did Gogo buy his hat?2)Was the hat expensive?3)Can Gogo see when he run?2.Play the tape, let the students listen and repeat.3.Group work: Act the dialogue.4.Practice 2.Ask and answer in groups.5.Do exercises in Workbook, Page 1-2,Ex1,2,3.Step3.Homework1.Recite the conversation.2.Write a composition:同学们,假如你在国外,买东西时该怎样用你学过的英语进行对话呢?教学后记:_____The Third PeriodStep 1.Revision1.Ask some students to recite the conversation.2.Ask the students make a dialogue in pairs, using the new phrases .Step 2.Presentation1.Use the pictures to teach the new words :clown ,clock, clothes, glass, glue, gloves2.Teach the sound:/kl/, /gl/, and then stress the difference between /kl/ and /gl/.3.Play the tape and have students point to each word as the tape says it.4.Chant:1)Play the tape, ask the students to raise their hands when they hear the words: clown, glass, gloves, closet, glue, clips, etc.2)Play the tape again and have Ss point to the words while listening to the chant.3)Play the tape and have Ss chant along.5.Activity:Ask and answer first, then ask Ss to write down the answers on the books.6.Do exercises in Workbook, Page 3-4,Ex4,5,6Step3.Homework1.Review the phrases ,sentences .2.Revise the conversation.教学后记:_____


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