

02月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求写一篇数学反思]考后的反思 我知道老师对于我有着很大的期望,可是我还是没有考好。对于这点我感到十分抱歉。但是既然犯了错误就要改正,但是我相信自己,虽然这次我考得很不理想、英语、物理这...+阅读

a greedy donkey

One day, a donkey loads a bag of salt. When he is crossing a river, he slips and falls into the water.

He finds the bag is lighter. The greedy donkey thinks, "May be I could fall over deliberately."

The day after, the owner of the donkey put a bag of cotton on the donkey's back.

When passing a river, he falls into the water. However, he did not manage to get up.

We should not learn from this stupid donkey. Doing things one step by a step and we can finally finish them successfully.


高一英语书面表达25分notice boys and girls we will have a lecture about how to communicate with others in english in the school lecture hall,from3:00-6:00 on thur afternoon.it will...

求写一篇班会记录主题:自我发展自评定 目的:让学生在自我评定中学会自我对照,自我判断,自我分析,自我约束。 培养学生在自我评定中不断自我追求,自我激励,自我勉力。 主持:班主任和两位中队会主持人...

初二英语书面表达范文Dear Susan, I'm sorry to have argued with you.You are my best friend,aren't you? So please forget it. I like that book very much, so when you lost it, I was ang...

求写一篇会计英语作文这篇太长了,我分两次吧What is the accounting?For many years the popular saying,accounting is accounting,scores and accounting.Ancient China "accounting" arising out...

一篇高中英语书面表达Dear the editor, I'm Li Hua , a high school sthdent in Grade 10..Now I've got some prombles in learning English. In the new term, I find that I cant't fix my at...


求一篇高中英语书面表达I don't think you should be so anxious about your son's studies , college entrance examination is only one of the challenges throughout your son's life. Happine...

求写一篇英文Email两到三句话记得写格式Dear Colleagues Ms. Elizabeth Smith, the newly appointed HR manager of our company, will come and visit us on next Monday. We will have a meeting to welcome her...

求写一篇化学论文盖斯定律 1840年,瑞士籍俄国化学家盖斯(Hess)通过大量实验,总结出一条规律:一个化学反应不管是一步或分几步完成,这个反应的热效应总是相同的。盖斯定律是热力学第一定律在热化学...
