

02月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于发现美的名言]关于发现美的名言 1、如果人们不仅能够执着地追求美,而且能够敏锐地发现美、自觉地创造美,那么,不仅他们自身会变得更加完美,而且整个社会、我们周围的一切,也都会变得更加完美。...+阅读

We have a long pair of eyes, the eyes are the windows of the soul, but also insight into the beauty and ugliness of all tools, people tend to see with the eyes of all beautiful things are willing to share it with everyone, no matter if it is likely to be ugly no one wants to share it with other people, right! The so-called "family shame should not be" is the best portrayal of the United States can make progress every day, but you can make people feel comfortable. The eye is willing to see all the good things! I hope everything happened in front are good! Wish the world more beautiful, less ugly!

( 我随便写了几句,可能写得不是很好,但也算给你凑了个答案,希望你可以采纳!)

I just write a few words, though written not very good, but after you scrape together an answer, I hope you can adopt!


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