

02月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[请高手帮忙写一封商务英语信函!写一封信给某人。告诉他开会了]Dear Mr.XXX:You are kindly informed there will be a meeting on 3:00PM, and the location is XXX meeting room. Please make sure your XXX report be ready, and Mr.X...+阅读

Dear Mr. Liu,

Your academic performance in the courses you completed in Fall 2007 indicates that you have done well, and we are pleased to see that yourGrade Point Average (GPA) in the courses you completed in the Fall 2007 term is in the 3.00 and above range.

Congratulations on your performance. I wish you good luck as you continue to strive for excellence in your studies.


Prof. M. Catherine Bolton

Associate Dean, Student Academic Services

Faculty of Arts and Science


给父母写一封信英语作文Dear mom, This is the first time i write a letter to you in English,so i think i should say thanks to you frist. That you give life to me,that you bring me to t...

英语作文给你的朋友写一封道歉信Dear Jack, How is everything? I am terribly sorry that I didn't attend your birthpaty last night. I meant to go the party but yesterday afternoon something unex...

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英语商务函电。写一封信。拜托了Hello! I am wririting to tell you that Chinese Export Commodities Fair (Autunm) will open in Jingling Hotel,Nanjing from Oct 3 to Nov 3. We would like to invite...

给同学写一封信作文200字亲爱的396254 : 你好,近来学习、身体好吗?我十分挂念你,想起当年,我们是形影不离的好朋友,一转眼,我们都六年级了,时间冲淡了一切,但冲淡不了你我之间的友谊。对了,我来给你谈谈我这边...

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你要写一封邀请函给你的外籍同学杰克邀请他来参加Dear Jeck: My birthday is coming. I will have a birthday party. My mother will prepare a lot of decilious food. I will invite our classmates to my birthday part...
