

02月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[写一篇我的梦想当医生的作文300左右]【我的梦想当一名医生作文】 理想是海中的风向标,理想是高山上的雪莲,理想是风浪中的小船,载着我划向胜利的彼岸.我的理想是当一名医生. 我认为医生这个职业很崇高、高尚,可以救...+阅读

My dream is to become an English teacher when I grow up. Because being an English teacher, I can influence lots of students. They can not only learn language but also know what is right from wrong. Besides, I can learn from my students and I will always feel young to be with my students. What's more, I will have lots of free time to do whatever I like, such as traveling, reading, retraining and so on.


写一篇关于梦想的300字英语作文Once I thought there was nobody that I can not forget. But I have known forgetting one person is not an easy since I met you. Our love is just akin to the sight...

写一篇200300字的关于我的梦想的英语作文梦想是当一名老师绝对原创。我是参加英语辩论的,即兴写东西最擅长,有什么问题问我好了。如果你还要更多的我再加咯,不过这应该差不多了吧 When I'm grown up, I want to be a teacher. This has...

写一篇关于梦想的英语作文Everyone has a lot of dreams. Some people want to be rich, dreaming of becoming millionaires overnight. Others want to be famous, dreaming of suddenly jumping t...

关于一篇我的梦想的100字英语作文你好,同学,才看到你向我们团队发来的求助 My Dream Everyone has a dream.Some want to be doctors,others want to be scientists. My dream is to become a teacher. A good...

帮忙写一篇关于梦想的英语作文my dream英语作文第一篇 I have a dream that I am always young. Then I will have enough energy to do everything whenever I want. Moreover, I don't have to worry a...

求一片国庆旅游的英语作文大约八十词就行In this National Day, my parents took me to the ShanDong Province. We have been adorn the Mount Tai for a long time. We want to see the sunrise at the top of th...

以我的梦想为题写一篇英语作文I have a dream Hello everyone. My name is xxx. Today I will lecture about dream. Forty-seven years ago, Martin Luther King had a lecture named I have a dream .T...

保护动物的英语作文八十词With the development of economic,people now living a better life.But at the same time,many of the earth's animals have already died out.Nowdays,more and more an...

写一篇我的梦想英语作文要求翻译Have you ever had a dream about your splendid future or imagined something unreal but interesting or meaningful? Tell your closet friend about it now. My Dream...
