
两套托福机经求精致答案 100分送上如果好可以追分

02月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[托福综合写作模板]北外托福为你提供综合写作模板 1. in the lecture, the professor made several points about ...... .the professor argues that..... However, the reading passage cont...+阅读



Well, I would like to talk about how my college teacher advised me to further my study abroad.

First I doubted whether I should further my study in US. I mean, the promised land's my dream but it's hard. So I turned to my teacher for help. Then my teacher encouraged me to do that. She said I could be a qualified applicant because my performance at college was outstanding. My teacher gave me courage in that way. Now I'm brave enough to face up to the challenge. I think it's a piece of advice that helps me to see things more clearly...


I agree with the statement that a family has most important influence on young adults for the following reasons.Parents are the first teachers to their children. We all have learned so many things from our parents. For example; my mother was my Chinese teacher in my high school. She taught me a lot of skills both in the classroom and out. Also, parents can help young adults by offering good ideas. For instance, when I went to university, I had to choose a major in two days. I felt a little puzzled. Then my parents helped me to analyze my advantages and disadvantages and the job market. Finally, I was confident to choose Arts.


Keep in touch.能不能交流下~正好一起研究下答案。

My qq 9280042


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