

02月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[我没有权利当穷人]洛克菲勒留给儿子的38封信——第18封:我没有权利当穷人 亲爱的约翰: 有很多悲剧都因偏执和骄傲而引发,制造贫穷的人也是一样。 许多年前,我在第五大道浸礼会教堂,曾偶...+阅读

i'm sorry to know you lack of money and i'm persuading you not to give up school education, my dear friend.You can apply for a student loan.We are your friend ,we can help you.Go on with your study and you'll learn more about this beautiful, getting more knowledge will be so exciting and make you feel even stronger, please never give up


平庸是因为没有激发潜能平庸是因为没有激发潜能 44岁那年,她下岗了,丈夫一年前也下了岗,儿子正在大学念书,她是家里的顶梁柱,而下岗使她这个家里的顶梁柱遭到了沉重一击。但是她不能倒下,所有的眼泪和痛...

300词英语文章及翻译没有中文短文自己想How to Spend the Part time 如何利用课余时间 Studying at school occupies students a lot of time, so students have less part time, when the holiday comes, they fe...

给父母写一封信英语作文Dear mom, This is the first time i write a letter to you in English,so i think i should say thanks to you frist. That you give life to me,that you bring me to t...

想表白想给女朋友DIY一个520礼物需要写一点字本人嘴笨想不可以参考一下以下的仿词,将“娜”化作“那”代替到句中,例如: 我最喜欢娜一丝的甜蜜; 经常想以前娜一刻的温柔; 我最爱娜一回瞬的微笑 等等,主要是看你字数要多少,如果字太多,老用就...

你的外国朋友来中国假设你要请他吃晚饭请你用英语写一封请柬Dear Mr BlackI am very glad to hear that you've come to China. I'd like to invite you and your wife to have dinner with me. If you have time, how about the day...


英语作文给你的朋友写一封道歉信Dear Jack, How is everything? I am terribly sorry that I didn't attend your birthpaty last night. I meant to go the party but yesterday afternoon something unex...

英语商务函电。写一封信。拜托了Hello! I am wririting to tell you that Chinese Export Commodities Fair (Autunm) will open in Jingling Hotel,Nanjing from Oct 3 to Nov 3. We would like to invite...

你为什么穷因为你没有野心徘徊在创业路口的朋友必看初次创业者应该做到以下几点: 1、首先要做自己熟悉的事情:这点非常重要,任何项目任何行业 都不是三天两天可以摸透的,不要把一个行业想得太简单,相关的行业经验非常重要,如果你对...
