[家长高考助考须知]家长高考助考须知 1、满怀信心,相信孩子能够充分发挥自己最佳状态,考出自己的较好水平。 2、不必让考生过早地关注招生院校和志愿填报,因为会干扰考生情绪,无助于学习。 3、不要...+阅读
1, note whether the car with a "qualified Elevator Safety Inspection" sign, without a check or exceed the testing period shall not use the elevator.
2, take the ladder should be of mutual comity may not be rough in the car with, or other hazards crowhop the safe operation of elevator behavior.
3, should be the proper use of both inside and outside the car keys, buttons, do not indiscriminately by, persons subject to the command by Elevator Division.
4, the lift door open, do not use items outside and try to stop the lift doors closed; Elevator operation shall be by hand or other object strong hold on the lift door, staircase to stop in order to avoid accidents.
5, by using the elevator, do not smoke in the car, spitting or other uncivilized acts; are not allowed to carry flammable, explosive and corrosive substance use elevators.
6, the lift operation in the case of any accident, should be used in car alarm installations and elevators inquiry to know the maintenance and management of personnel, waiting for rescue, not to forcibly hold off to avoid danger.
小学生须知谚语大全一、礼貌与修养 1.大人不记小人过,宰相肚里能撑船。 2.好话一句三冬暖,恶语伤人六月寒。 3.君子一言,驷马难追。 4.喊人不蚀本,舌头打个滚。 5.滴水之恩,当涌泉相报。 6.学文化,从...
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