

02月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[人教版一年级上册语文汉语拼音测试卷]小学一年级拼音测试卷(二) 姓名: 成绩: 一、火车就要出发啦,千万不要坐错车哦!(10分) ang w yún g yé er ün wǔ üe zh in quán r iu q yuè n rè 声母 韵母 音节 二、拼一拼...+阅读

一,1·~5 CBDCB 6~10 CABBA 11~15 CDBBD 16~20CBDCD 二、1·~5 ADCBC 6~10 ABDBA 11~15 DCDBA 三、A 1~5 ACDAB B 1~5 BADCA 四、

1、twelve 2.little 3.surprise 4.quickly 5.cross 6.next 7.frames 8.brilliant 9.flying 10.watching 五、

1、His father went to work without having breakfast. 2. What a very good present for my birthday he gave it is! 3.My mother didn't do well in maths when she was a student. 4.What does the Fantail goldfish look like ? 5.My brither and I were frightened when we heard the strang sound. 六、1.、Don't you know Yao Ming is 2 metres high ? 2.Without your help ,they can't finish the work. 3.These writing tools your's or Xiao Ming's? 4.Let us take turns at looking after the pets. 5.When he help others,he didn't think of himself. 七、Dears, I'm very glad to hear that you will come to tisit my hometown.I'll talk something about it that you can know well.My home is 20 mintues away from the centre when you take the bike ,and there are lots of buildings.What's more,the movie theatre,teenagers centre,and the market are arround there.The most important,there are a lot of things to do there,such as reading books,surf Internet,talkwith friends ,play tennis and so on.Children are all like it very much.And the cars can not get into the centre,so there isn't polute ,and why the people lile stay here.Hope you will have a good time here.I am waiting for you. Best wishes, Jenny


物理八下期末试卷人教版八年级物理第一学期期末试题●单项选择题(每题2分,共30分) 1、入射光线与平面镜成60°角,那么反射角是:A.30° B.60° C.90° D.40° 2、关于光的折射现象,下列说法中正确的...

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初一数学下册期末试卷答案1、解:设甲书店原有图书x册,乙书店原有图书y册,根据题意得: x+y=500 1/2(x-400)-400=y+400 解得:x=4000, y=1000 =3000 答:这两个书店原有该种图书的数量差为3000册。 2\解:设甲、...
