

02月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语作文考上大学并获得奖学金的祝贺信]Hello xxx, Congratulations to you! I am so proud of that the gate of the university you dreamed for has opened to you. At the same time , congratulations to you...+阅读





朋友祝贺你考上大学你给朋友的一封回信的英语作文i am so glad to hear that you are addmited by XXX university.And i knew that XXX university is one of the most best and top university in your provience.I hope...

写一篇好朋友考上耶鲁大学的英文祝贺信The sky attract you fly, marine calling you to set sail, inspire you to climb mountains, plains Xinmayoujiang waiting for you go, let you have a bright future!...

用英语写一封祝贺信内容是祝贺朋友考入大学并将度过十十九岁生日Dear XXX, I'm so glad to hear that you have got a place at the Univercity.My heartest congratulations to you.you always keep going towards your goals no matter...

用英语写一封祝贺信dear uncle jake: having known the good news of your promotion to the company manager, here i write to you to express my greeting of your successful. what's more...

同学考试没有通过写一封安慰人的英语作文Dear..., I'm sorry that you failed your exam and your teacher warned you about that. I'm worried about it and I hope I can give you some help. As a university s...

考上个一般的重点大学985但是还想复读要是真的发挥很差(比平时少20分那种)而且自己年龄也不大,建议复读。否则考研也不错。 总的来讲社会上尤其对文科生比较看重学历,所以复读一年确保第一学历比较好也是值得的,但这...


你要写一封邀请函给你的外籍同学杰克邀请他来参加Dear Jeck: My birthday is coming. I will have a birthday party. My mother will prepare a lot of decilious food. I will invite our classmates to my birthday part...

高中物理重点知识应该是力学,物理是一门内容较为丰富,既用到推理与计算这样逻辑与数学能力, 又要观察、实验等从外部世界探寻知识的手段。所以这门功课对与 人科学素养的提高有很大作用,对于相当...
