

02月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com


商务英语有关包装问题的邮件1:文体介绍 作为国际贸易合同中的要件(Condition)之一,包装是进出口业务中一项不容忽视的环节。从经济学角度上来说,包装是现实货物商品价值和使用价值的一种必要手段。进而言之,如果包装美观适销,还可以提高售价。这一点在国际贸易中尤为突出。不断改进和提高商品的包装,不仅可以减少货损,节约运费,而且还可以扩大销量,提高售价,并能反映一个国家在科学技术和文化艺术方面的水平。 商务英语有关包装问题的邮件2:实用范例 subject: About the Packing Dear Sir, On 10 July, we received your consignment of 40 cardboard cartons of steel screws. We regret to inform you that 10 cartons were delivered damaged and the contents had spilled, leading to some losses. We accept that the damage was not your fault but feel that we must modify our packing requirement to avoid future losses. We require that future packing be in wooden boxes of 20 kilos net, each wooden box containing 40 cardbaord packs of 500 grams net. Please let us know whether these specifications can be met by you and whether they will lead to an increase in your prices. We look forward to your early confirmation. Sincerely yours, xxxx 主题:包装事宜 亲爱的先生: 7月10日收到贵公司40个纸板箱钢螺钉。然而,当中10个纸箱于运送途中破烂,另货物散落,造成损失。本公司了解到此非贵公司之过,但希望能改进包装的方法,以避免同类事件发生。日后的包装木箱净重20公斤,可装每个净重500克的纸板箱40个。烦请确认上述方法,并告知新方法会否引致价格上涨。 盼望早日赐复。 你真诚的xxx 商务英语有关包装问题的邮件3:典型句型

(1)About packing,we will contact our manufacturers and call their attention to the matter. 关于包装问题,我方将与厂商联系,要求他们对此加以重视。

(2)Correct and distinct marking for the outside containers is absolutely necessary. 我包装箱必须刷有正确明显的标志。

(3)In order to prevent damages,the item will be packed in wood wool. 为了防止货物损坏,货物将用细刨花之类的东西来填充包装箱。

(4)Our packing is well suited for long distance shipments. 我们的包装很适合长途运输。

(5)Please see to it that the packing is suitable for a long sea voyage. 请保证包装可以适合长途海运。



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