

02月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[行写一封给科学家的信!700个字左右]展开全部 科学家们: 不要再去忙于研究某些飞行器的改进或者其他的性能问题。如果你们能研究出能反地球吸引力和降低太阳温度的东西来那就是一场真正的伟大的科学革命。我们知...+阅读

MY FATHER'S LIFE\r\n My father is a doctor.He is improtant for

his healthy life.He is gets up early . He says: Early to bed and early

to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.(早睡早起使人健康、富裕又聪明).He eats

breakfast every morning ,he thinks the breakfast is good for us. He

eats apple everyday,because the apples is good for his healthy.He eats

lunch at 12:00.He works hard.he doesn't like eating junk food.He thinks

the junk food is bad for us.


以初三的随想写一封给父母的信.亲爱的父母: 我爱你们,每当我翻开相册,从那天真活泼的笑脸里我感受到了幸福和爱。曾经记得,你们挽着我的手走在林荫小道上,带着我漫游在祖国山川……当我被路上的石头绊倒时你们...

给老师的一封感谢信英语作文Dear teacher , I am writing to you to express my thanks for your help in learning English and speaking English. During these days in your class, I have learned...

英语作文给老师的信A Letter to Teancher Dear Miss Liang, I am writing to thank you for your hard work for me. With your help, I make great progress in my study. A year ago, my stu...

写一封感恩父母的信50字给父母的一封信 亲爱的爸爸、妈妈: 你们好! 这是我第一次这么隆重地给你们写信。开始还觉得有好多好多的话要对你们讲,可真的提起笔来又不知从何说起!有的同学说,“这多繁琐哦,有...

写一封给幼儿园老师的信 350字尊敬的李老师: 您好!您还记得昔日那个爱哭的小女孩吗?告诉您吧,那朵受不起风吹雨打的花儿已经学会如何挺立在风雨中,那便是我,林雪。老师,我已经在校六年了,辗转毕业,就和您谈谈我小...

英语作文给你的朋友写一封道歉信Dear Jack, How is everything? I am terribly sorry that I didn't attend your birthpaty last night. I meant to go the party but yesterday afternoon something unex...

英语作文:写给英文老师的一封求助的信Dear teacher Now the high school English feeling more and more difficult than that of the secondary schools more difficult, do not go in a little school, but I...

英语作文写一封邀请函给教师sara岁月是条长路,你走过,他走过,我走过,历史上的人走过, 未来人也将走过。人生一回,说它长久也是妄言,说它短暂也是敷 衍,这长不长短不短的岁月,需要的是一份思索,一份沉默,既然 所有的索...

写一封给大学生的信亲爱的大学生: 你好! 不论你是正处于大学生活、学习中还是即将毕业,不论你所在的大学是好是差,不要骄傲不要气馁,你所要做的只是充实一个不丰富的自己。 不要追风、不要攀比、不...
