

02月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语怎样才能去得好成绩]只有学好英语! 学英语的好方法 ;首先是课本问题,不知你的基础怎样,要先学好教材。 第二,选择学习方法。现在条件很丰富。上英语班,网上学习,找朋友学习,互学....总之找到适合自己的...+阅读

40 Train services are now back to ___D___after three days of typhoon.

(A usual) B common C ordinary D normal

Back to normal 恢复正常

41 He is the best __A__English in our class.

A at (B in) C for D to

本题考察固定搭配 be good at,这里用了最高级形式。

43 Did John hit Bob ___A__eye ?

(A in the) B on the C in his D on his


50 Behind the dancer there was a woman ____C___a large diamond ring.

A carrying B dressing (C wearing) D having



54 I am all tears, __D__,I am listening to you with all attention.

A in another words B in the other words C with other words (D in other words)

本题中的四个选项,只有D是一个固定搭配。其他三项根本不存在,此处起一种迷惑的作用。in other words “换句话说,即....”。后半句对前半句进行阐述。所以只能选D。

56 As you know, whether the person will be elected president is matter of __B_interest.

A general B common C ordinary D mostly


这里common interest就是“公众利益”。

57 I ___C____ by his story that he made up.

(A was taken on) B was taken out C was taken in D am taken in

本题考察take的固定搭配。take in有“欺骗”的意思。根据这句话的后半句,“我被他编造的故事所......”, 再分析几个选项,就只能在C、D中选择。考虑到时态问题,句中出现made过去时,所以就只有D项正确。

58 He didn`t go into detail on the subject ,he spoke __D____.

A in general B in particular ( C in common) D in short5





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