

02月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[敞开心扉和父母谈心作文][敞开心扉作文] 在爸爸妈妈的带领下,一起向田园风光进军,敞开心扉作文.我们经过半个多小时的旅途颠簸,当车子到达终点站之后,我们下了车,迎接我们的是一条石子与泥土混合的路,四周...+阅读

Everyone can have a collision with friend,but it is important for us to make up with them.

It is usual for us to see our friengs' bad when quarreling.But later,we will find our own faults,usually the same with our friends.So,if he(or she) is too shy to make an appology first,we can find a chance to talk to him(or her)or write a letter to him(or her)to show our sorry to him(or her).Then we will make up with our friends and hold a forever friendship with him



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