

02月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[如何用英语口语谈论兴趣爱好]1,Areyoufreetonight?你今晚有空吗? 2,Yes,Iamfree是的,我有空 3,CanIinviteyoutosingatkaraokebar我能邀请你去kalaok唱歌吗? 4,Iam afraid I can't go with you 我恐怕我不能...+阅读

外教生气啦。。。。。没关系,大姐我上初中时整天惹外教生气,但他们有没法拿我怎样,谁叫我英语口语年级第一!!! Dear XXX, We would like to sincerely apologize for our actions yesterday. We were not paying attention in class, though we should have,and made you angry. We understand that we were wrong for not showing you enough respect and will change our ways. Our homeroom teacher had made it clear to us that we need to show respect to our teachers and pay attention in class. We hope that you have forgiven us and is willing to give us another chance. We will not disappoint you. Yours Sincerely, XXX(班级,如七年二班=Grade 7 Class 2)


谁有关于写道歉信的英语作文。不要太难得Dear Mrs. Zhang I'm writing to ask you to excuse me for not being able to keep our appointment. I do know that this is very impolite and must have caused you mu...

英语写道歉信格式英文的道歉信跟信的格式差不多,基本上就是: Mr. /Mrs./Ms. XXX(如果是跟你有比较亲近的关系可以用Dear,不过那么亲近的人也不用写道歉信了吧= =) I am sorry for.......because ....

英语怎么写道歉信范文由于太匆忙忘了还书Hello XXX, I appologize not to return the book(s) to you/the library in time. I can make sure that this won't happen again in the future. Best wishes, XXX Hello...


如何用英语表达进退两难第一种表达:be (caught/ stuck)between a rock and a hard place 可以翻译成“左右为难,进退维谷”。字面意思就是“在岩石和坚硬地方的中间”,左右都不讨好,被困在中间,当然无法...

英语怎么写道歉信Dear, I'm writing this letter to apologize to you for the mistake that i have done that day. I should have controled myself. if what i said offend you ,i hereby...

如何用英语来描述一个循环Because (此处加上原因介词会让句与句之间有连接性和逻辑性)Poverty leads to discontinuing schooling for(将of 改成for) the children from poor families. However(不用同时...

如何用英语主持会议Business English:Holding meetings in English 用英语主持会议The Structure of a Meeting 会议的结构One of the most common requirements of business English is holdi...

如何用英语跟老板谈晋升很高兴回答你的问题,以下是我个人见解,希望可以帮到你: 有效谈升迁没有那么容易,请先做功课。写下你的优势及过去你对公司的贡献。对于自己的工作能力,保持正面自信的态度。 与其...
