

02月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[变形金刚2经典台词]变形金刚2经典台词 1、擎天柱带领部下准备作战时,总会说那句着名的台词:汽车人,变形出发!Autobots,transform,and roll out! 2、擎天柱:我们的种族因为被遗忘的过去而走到一起,齐...+阅读

let me tell you something, son. a driver don''t pick the cars,the car pick the driver. it''s a mystical bond between man and machine. oh, it''s my car! what you are about to see is totally classified. dear god, what is this? we are under attack. we are facing war against technological civilization far superior to our own. our enemy can take any shape.they could be anywhere. it''s a robot. you know it''s like a super advanced robot.its probably japanese. no, no, no, no! move! stop!he''s not going to hurt you! i''ll drive,you shoot! you have to get in the car!trust me! oh,my god! (或许不是很完整.. 但希望你能满意这个答案..!


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