

02月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[帮忙翻译一下这句康德名言急 !]现成的原话,不同翻译。 Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing wonder and awe, the more often and the more seriously reflection concentrates upon th...+阅读


Job Responsibilities: 工作职责: - Know and apply recruitment tools for hiring the new staff in the stores (Managers, Cashiers and Sales Assistants); - 熟悉并能够使用多种招聘方式招聘商店雇员(包括经理、收银和销售助理); - Handle the hiring procedure of new on-boarding employees; - 负责办理新员工入职手续; - Conduct store visit to make sure the smooth operation in the shop in terms of people management; - 对商店进行随访巡查,确保商店顺利运作;- Organize stores openings in his/her zone: plan the number of the staff and chronogram, handle recruiting and training program for new openings; - 组织责任区内店铺开张活动:安排并拟定用工数量、负责入职新员工的招聘和培训; - Store's staff training, development and evaluation; - 负责商店员工培训、进修和评估; - Create the budget hours for the store, time-tables and contracts; - 为商店制订员工预算时、工作时间表和劳资合同; - Perform labor relations, resolving any labor relation related issue, staff security, etc; - 执行劳动关系,解决与员工安全等相关的劳资问题; - Perform internal communication. - 负责内部交流。

Job Requirements: 任职要求: - College degree or above, with major in human resources, business administration or relevant area; - 大学以上文化程度,人力资源、工商管理或相关专业毕业; - A minimum of 3-5 years experience in a generalist HR position ideally in a multinational retailer with various points of sale in China; - 从事人力资源相关职业至少3---5年,有跨国零售业在华办事处的丰富工作经验更佳; - Familiar with the relevant Labor Laws & Regulations and social insurance systems; - 熟悉《劳动法》等相关法律法规及国内社保体系; - Fluent in Mandarin and English; knowledgeable of Spanish would be a plus; - 普通话和英语流利,熟悉西班牙语优先; - Computer skills on MS; - 熟悉计算机操作; - Strong sense of responsibility, maturity and teamwork; - 责任心强、成熟稳重、富有团队精神; - Able to work independently and under pressure; - 有独立工作能力,能承受一定的工作压力; - Impressive interpersonal skills and problem solving skills; - 人际交往能力和解决问题的能力出色; - Good communication and coordination; - 良好的协调沟通能力; - Energetic, with the mobility of travel in China cities. - 精力充沛,能够在国内出差。

求一篇写一种职业一天要做的事情要求是英语作文简单明了 50字

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