

02月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[帮忙翻译一下这句康德名言急 !]现成的原话,不同翻译。 Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing wonder and awe, the more often and the more seriously reflection concentrates upon th...+阅读


They came for him one winter's night. 一个冬天的晚上,他们为他而来 Arrested, he was bound. 他被捕了,失去了自由 They said there'd been a robbery, 他们说有一起抢劫事件 His pistol had been found. 他的手枪已经被找到 They marched him to the station house, 他们带他到派出所 He waited for the dawn. 他等待着黎明 And as they led him to the dock, 当他们带他去了被告席 He knew that he'd been wronged. 他知道自己是被冤枉的 "You stand accused of robbery," “你被指控抢劫的罪名成立” He heard the bailiff say. 他听到执行官说. He knew without an alibi,他知道无法辩解 Tomorrow's light would mourn his freedom.明天的阳光会悼念他的自由. Over the hills and far away, 越过群山,在遥远的地方 For ten long years he'll count the days. 漫长的十年他将数着日子过e69da5e6ba90e799bee5baa6e79fa5e9819331333238653332Over the mountains and the seas, 越过群山和海洋 A prisoner's life for him there'll be. 囚犯的生涯开始了 Nightwish He knew that it would cost him dear,他知道那会伤害他亲爱的人 But yet he dare not say 至今他仍不敢说 Where he had been that fateful night, 在那关键证据的晚上,他在哪里 A secret it must stay. 这个秘密必须保持 He had to fight back tears of rage.他强忍肆虐的眼泪 His heart beat like a drum. 他的心跳如鼓 For with the wife of his best friend, 因为与他最好朋友的妻子. He spent his final night of freedom. 他度过了他最后一个自由的晚上 Over the hills and far away, 越过群山,在遥远的地方 He swears he will return one day.他发誓有一天会回来 Far from the mountains and the seas, 远离群山和海洋 Back in her arms is where he'll be. 他一定会重回她的臂湾 Over the hills and far away. 越过群山,在遥远的地方 Over the hills and, 越过群山 Over the hills and, 越过群山 Over the hills and far away. 越过群山,在遥远的地方 Each night within his prison cell, 每个在囚牢的生活的夜晚 He reads the letters that she wrote. 他读着她写的信 One day he'll know the taste of freedom. 有一天他会尝到自由的滋味 Over the hills and far away,越过群山,在遥远的地方 She prays he will return one day. 她祈祷他有一天能回来 As sure as the rivers reach the seas,就像百川终归海 Back in his arms is where she'll be.她一定会重回他的臂湾 Over the hills and far away,在山的另一边,遥远的地方 He swears he will return one day.他发誓有一天会回来 Far from the mountains and the seas, 远离山和海 Back in her arms is where he'll be.他一定会重回她的臂湾 Over the hills and far away,越过群山,在遥远的地方 She prays he will return one day.她祈祷他有一天能回来 As sure as the rivers reach the seas, 就像百川终归海 Back in his arms is where she'll be. 她一定会重回他的臂湾 Over the hills,越过群山 Over the hills and far away.越过群山,在遥远的地方 Over the hills,越过群山 Over the hills and far away.越过群山,在遥远的地方

英语作文the person who i am thankful to

I am thankful to everything life brings me.I have freedom to enjoy my own life.Besides,I appreciate the love my families and friends give me.Without the help of the world,I would have had no different from other animal.However,I never neglect small things,since great things are part of life.Be thangkful to small things,and you will make great things.Be thankful,and others will be thankful to you.


The disaster area children: How are you, I am a high school student. May 12 Wenchuan the earthquake disaster has brought you, your home has become a ruin, I was very sad. When the People's Liberation Army are the people who are trapped inside one by one of the rescued, I am very happy, but when I saw those orphans, the heart will be saddened by it. I hope you in the face of disaster, never give up. I hope you can rebuild their homes. The people across the country are helping you! I hope you can return to school as soon as possible!



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