

02月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[最全的女生英文名]1、Ashley 意思是"来自木岑树林的人"。Ashley这个名字给人的印象是:一个非常美丽的医生或律师等高级职业妇女,品味很高,道德标准也很高,娇羞但很友善。 2、Jessica 希伯来语中的"财...+阅读


兵马俑英文名是:Terracotta Army 例句:

1、After months of waiting, the largest Terracotta Army exhibition outside China opened in London at the British Museum. 中文翻译:经过了数月的期待,中国境外首次最大型的兵马俑展览在伦敦的大英博物馆开幕了。

2、The Terracotta Army is a pride of the Chinese people. 中文翻译:兵马俑是中国人的骄傲。

3、British people get the chance to view the Terracotta Army without travelling to China. 中文翻译:英国人最近不用去中国就能看到中国的兵马俑了。 兵马俑,即秦始皇兵马俑,亦简称秦兵马俑或秦俑,第一批全国重点文物保护单位,第一批中国世界遗产,位于今陕西省西安市临潼区秦始皇陵以东1.5千米处的兵马俑坑内。 1987年,秦始皇陵及兵马俑坑被联合国教科文组织批准列入《世界遗产名录》,并被誉为“世界第八大奇迹”,先后有200多位外国元首和政府首脑参观访问,成为中国古代辉煌文明的一张金字名片,被誉为世界十大古墓稀世珍宝之一。 扩展资料

一、terracotta英 [ˌterəˈkɒtə] 美 [ˌterəˈkɑ:tə] n.陶瓦;无釉赤陶;赤褐色,土红色 例句:

1、A large terracotta pot planted with Busy Lizzie provides a fiery bright red display. 中文翻译:一个栽种了凤仙花的大赤陶罐里开出了明艳如火的花朵。

2、The terracotta tiled floor gives the place a wonderfully homely character. 中文翻译:陶瓦地板使这个地方给人一种非常舒适温馨的感觉。

二、Army 英[ˈɑ:mi] 美[ˈɑ:rmi] n. 军队; 陆军; 团体; 野战军; 复数:armies 例句:

1、After returning from France, he joined the army 中文翻译:从法国回来之后,他参了军。

2、The army now appears to have launched a counter-offensive. 中文翻译:军队现在似乎已经发起了反攻


opened to public on oct.1, the national day, 1979. emperor qin shihuang (259-210b.c.) had ying as his surname and zheng as his given name. he name to the throne of the qin at age 13, and took the helm of the state at age of 22. by 221 b.c., he had annexed the six rival principalities of qi, chu, yan, han, zhao and wei, and established the first feudal empire in china's history in the year 221 b.c., when he unified the whole country, ying zheng styled himself emperor. he named himself shihuang di, the first emperor in the hope that his later generations be the second, the third even the one hundredth and thousandth emperors in proper order to carry on the hereditary system. since then, the supreme feudal rulers of china's dynasties had continued to call themselves huang di, the emperor.



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