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[21世纪大学实用英语第三册答案]Unit 1 5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary. 1. curious 2. affects 3. emergency 4. locked 5. Relatively 6. complai...+阅读


选择题 1.—Where is the hospital? —Sorry, I don't know. — . A.Not at all B.Thank you C.Thank you all the same 答案:C 2.Michael meets her his way home. A.on, * B.in, to C.in, * 答案:A 根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。(每空一词) 1.He doesn't know how to look after a dog. (real) 答案:really 2.There are two American in our basketball team. (play) 答案:players



( )1. She has many kinds of fruits,() apples, bananas and oranges.

A. like B. for example C. such as D. as well as


( )2. Tony is ________ in collecting stamps. He has an _________ hobby.

A. interesting, interested B. interest, interesting

C. interested, interesting D. interested, interest



1.我知道他来自抚顺。 I know _____ ______ ______ ______ .

答案:he comes from Fushun

2.银行离学校很远。 The bank is very _________ __________ the school.

答案: far from


I. 1-5 BAACB

II. 1. habit 2. century 3. instead 4. tired 5.fresh 6. fruit

III. 1. really 2. staying 3. sports 4. listening 5. Healthy

IV. 1. build us up 2. insteadof 3. gets tired easily 4. Healthy eating habits 5. doing exercise

V. 1-5 BCCAA

VI. One possible version:

My friend Jack wasfat because he liked eating chocolate and ice cream. He felt tired easily. Oneday he saw some people running in the park. They looked really active. So hebegan running in the morning. In the afternoon, he plays basketball with hisclassmates after school. Now he is healthy. He has great fun doing exercise.Exercise helps to build him up. He wants to be a basketball player in thefuture.


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