

03月07日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[谁能帮我写一篇关于节能减排的文章]节能减排 你我同行 地球孕育了人类,人类也在不断地改造地球。人类的发展史,归根结底是人类艰苦奋斗的创业史。在创业过程中,人们利用各种能源赖以生存,同时也给他们带来了不同程...+阅读


Above of all,most of jobs don't require such a high degree which means just some few works,such as,theoretical physics,archaeology,or literature,need high academic qualification.Meanwhile,rich working experience will draw more attention.To illustrate,when you are offering a department manager post,there is a man who has already been a manager for three years but only have a master's degree and a no-experienced person with doctor's degree


Here I would take some minutes to introduce myself,especially work experience. I started to work every summer and winner vacation since I was 10. I have ever worked at many places and be many roles, the most one I liked was last summer, I worked in a book store, to be an sales assistant. That required me learn about ours products firstly then know their categories, which can help customers find what they want in a short time. And our commodities was freshed every week. so we needed to check inventory at the end of each week , then typed in system with results.

And the most interested thing I felt was that we needed study customers firstly, we should understand what types, what personal characteristics she or he was, through her or his dressing, emotion,expression,etc. Then we could know which books we should recommend to them.

Practice makes my life perfect.


in January, 2006 ~ in December pretty BELLE (hundred advantages) exclusive agency seller to the customer introduced that the sales promotion product and for the customer service, in the shop the cargo management, has made the very good achievement. Gained in the experience which certain sale and the guest take; Has raised to the work sense of responsibility and the will; Understands some large-scale markets the operation and the management.

2007 year in February ~ washes the valuable net to open a shop now, sells to understand the network personally, is responsible to stock with goods and the sale, further had the communication and negotiation ability with the customer.


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