

03月07日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[正能量的英文怎么说]"Positive energy". I need encouragement and positive energy.我需要正能量。 正能量经典语录: 1、责任是从现在开始就要承担的,父母不再年轻,能回报的时候及时回报,不要总觉得...+阅读


明白: 1. obvious 2. unequivocal 3. clear 4. to understand 5. to realize Relative explainations:Examples: 1. 你明白了吗? Did you get the picture? 2. 你明白了。 You've got it. 3. 我完全明白。 I understand completely. 4. 如果你同意我的意见,就明白地回答“是”。 Answer with a plain "yes" if you agree with me. 5. 她说话含含糊糊,我怎么也听不明白她想说些什么。 She is so vague that I can never understand what she is trying to say. 6. 他正在尽力弄明白他的意思。 He is trying his best to understand his meaning. 7. 你明白了吗? Do you understand? 8. 他的失败是再明白不过了。 His failure is as plain as plain can be. 明白事理 to know what's what 隐隐约约明白 a glimmer of understanding. 明白的解释 intelligible explanation 写得明白易懂 writes in a limpid style. 难以明白的观念 intangible ideas 你应当明白。

You ought to understand. 我明白了。 Yes,I see. 写得明白易懂 Writes in a limpid style. 明白的无可辩驳的事实 the plain, unarguable facts.



1. obvious

2. unequivocal

3. clear

4. to understand

5. to realize

Relative explainations:

Examples: 1. 你明白了吗? Did you get the picture? 2. 你明白了。 You've got it. 3. 我完全明白。 I understand completely. 4. 如果你同意我的意见,就明白地回答“是”。 Answer with a plain "yes" if you agree with me. 5. 她说话含含糊糊,我怎么也听不明白她想说些什么。 She is so vague that I can never understand what she is trying to say. 6. 他正在尽力弄明白他的意思。 He is trying his best to understand his meaning. 7. 你明白了吗? Do you understand? 8. 他的失败是再明白不过了。 His failure is as plain as plain can be. 明白事理 to know what's what 隐隐约约明白 a glimmer of understanding. 明白的解释 intelligible explanation 写得明白易懂 writes in a limpid style. 难以明白的观念 intangible ideas 你应当明白。 You ought to understand. 我明白了。 Yes,I see. 写得明白易懂 Writes in a limpid style. 明白的无可辩驳的事实 the plain, unarguable facts.


收钱的英文怎么说收钱的英文是 collect money ,其中: collect 英 [kə'lekt] 美 [kə'lɛkt] vt. 收集;募捐 vi. 收集;聚集;募捐 adv. 由收件人付款地 adj. 由收件人付款的 n. (Collect)人名;(英)科...

机房的英文怎么说1. generator room,motor room, engine room of a ship, machine room。 2. generator room[ˈdʒenəreitə ru:m]:发电机房。generator[ˈdʒenəreɪtə(r)] 是发电机的意思...

点菜的英文怎么说order dishes 这个是英语短语,下面是一个点菜的英语对话情景 希望有帮助 麻烦给个采纳 谢谢啦Situation: John orders his meal after he takes a minute to decide what he...

超市的英文怎么说“超市”的英语是:supermarket 【音标】:英 [ˈsu:pəmɑ:kɪt];美 [ˈsupərmɑrkət] 相关短语: 1、Large supermarket 大型超市 ; 超级市场 2、financial supermarket 金融超级...

促销的英文怎么说[ sales promotion ] 近义词或词组 sale promotion | promotion 例句与用法 1. 通过让书的作者做促销之旅而为新书大做广告 Hyped the new book by sending its author on a...

私人的英文怎么说private /praivit/ adj.私人的, 个人的, 私下的, 私有的, 缄默的 n.士兵, 列兵 例句与用法: 1. Let's go upstairs where we can be a bit more private. 咱们上楼吧,那里没什麽外...

我不明白你说什么这句话用英语怎么说翻译为:I don't understand what you said. 短语: 1. 我很不明白:i am not understand2. 2. 我也不明白:Well I don't know | I do not understand | i am confused as well 3....

工厂的英文怎么说factory [5fAktEri] n. 工厂, 制造厂, 商住花园外的代理 factory A factory is a very, very large place where they produce any kind of products such as cars, also food...

多样的英文怎么说多样的英文:diversiform,读音:[daɪ'vɜ:sɪfɔ:m]。diversiform英 [daɪ'vɜ:sɪfɔ:m] 美 [daɪ'vɜ:səˌfɔ:m] adj.多种的,各色各样的,多样的。diversiform的用法示例如下:1.Aircra...
