
英语题 100分

03月11日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[高中英语改错题]第一行,invite you to... 然后把in改为on 第二行,把last 后面的for去掉,然后是hours或者是two-hour,把a school life改成your school life 第三行,把learn改为study 第四行,though...+阅读

英语题 100分

VII. 阅读对话,判断正误。用“T”或“F”表示。(8%) Making mistakes R = Ron; M = Mingo R: We often say in Britain, “When in Rome, do as the Romans.” M: What does that mean? R: This means that people from different countries do things differently. Shall I tell you about my worst mistake in China? M: Go on, tell me. R: It was on my first trip to China. Some Chinese people at my school were very kind to me. They often asked me to their house and looked after me. At the end of my stay I took them some flowers, but they didn't look very happy. M: What color were they? R: White! A bad mistake. M: Oh dear! I have a story about flowers. I went to my teacher's house for a party when I was in France. So I took some flowers too. I reached the house and gave them to my teacher's wife. She laughed and her face went red. But my teacher didn't laugh. R: What color were they? M: Red! R: And red roses mean… M: I know now. If you give red roses to a woman, it means “You love her”. ( T ) 1. Ron made a mistake on his first visit to China. ( T ) 2. He wanted to thank some Chinese people. ( F ) 3. You often give white flowers to a person in China. ( F ) 4. Mingao's teacher came to his house. ( T ) 5. There was a party at Mingao's teacher's house. ( T ) 6. You can give red roses to your wife. ( T ) 7. You shouldn't give red roses to another man's wife. ( T ) 8. Mingo also made a mistake when he was in France.


Time: 2009 July to 2009 August

实践名称: 杭州贝塔休闲有限公司实习

Practice: practice the name Hangzhou beta Leisure Limited

实践描述: 在公司担任会计助理。帮助会计整理会计凭证,学习记账等

Practice Description: as assistant accountant in the company. Assist accounting consolidation accounting vouchers, accounting and other learning

时间: 2008年10月到2008年11月

Time: 2008 October to 2008 November

实践名称: “品质金都”2008青春创业大赛

Practice: "name quality gold" 2008 youth entrepreneurship competition

实践描述: 曾参加过“品质金都”2008青春创业大赛,创业项目是网上超市,在团队中担任组长,负责策划书上的公司财务分析部分。参加活动的过程中,自己对团队合作有了深一步的认识。亲自参加创业策划,使自己对公司的经营、融资、财务管理有了更高一层的理解。

Practice Description: participated in the "golden quality" 2008 youth entrepreneurship competition, entrepreneurship project is online supermarket, as a leader in the team, the company responsible for the financial analysis plan on the part of the. Participate in the activities of the process, know deep step has its own on team cooperation. Personally participate in the business plan, make their own business, financing, financial management of the company have a higher level of understanding.

时间: 2008年7月到2008年9月

Time: 2008 July to 2008 September

实践名称: 太平洋保险公司实习

Practice: practice the Pacific Insurance Company Name

实践描述: 辅助组训和营业部经理做些日常工作。具体内容有:制作海报:准备早会的相关资料;卖寿险产品等

Practice Description: auxiliary group training and sales manager to do some daily work. The specific contents are: make a poster: prepare early will sell life insurance products


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