

03月12日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语口语情景对话怎么练]英语口语情景对话很多都是不标准的,可能会误导大家。学英语口语要 1、提高基本功,多听多模仿,加强英语语言基本功的训练。学好音标,注意非音段层面的发音技巧的练习。模仿标准的...+阅读


A:Excuse me...打扰一下...B:Yes, sir. How may I be of service?是的,先生,需要什么服务吗?A:I would like to return this item... Are refunds allowed?我想把这个东西推掉...可以退款吗?B:Certainly. The customer is always right, we are here to serve you. Is there a reason that you would like to return it? Did you have problems with our product or services?当然可以.顾客总是对的,我们随时为您服务.为什么要退掉?您对我们的产品和服务有什么问题吗?A:No, no... It was just the wrong size.不,不是的...只是大小不合适.B:Would you be interested in an exchange as opposed to a refund? I think I can help you to find the appropriate size.那你想调换一下还是要退款?我想我能帮你找到合适的尺寸.A:No. I would rather just return it.不用了.我还是想退掉.B:Sure, no problem. Do you happen to have the receipt?当然可以,没问题.你带收据了吗?A:Yeah, right here.带了,在这儿...B:Ok, just a moment, please. Here you are, I need you to sign here, please. And here is your refund. Is there anything else I can help you with?好的,请等一下.给您,请在这里签字.这是你的退款.还有什么需要我帮忙的?A:No, thank you.没有了,谢谢你.B:You're welcome. Have a nice day!别客气.祝你一天都开心!



1, 欧洲人,美国人是非常喜欢那种interactive 的人的,你不需要太拘谨,不需要什么都yes.



3, 客户坐下来以后,你可以问客户你可以给我多少时间。How many time are you available? 这样可以体现你对客户行程的尊重,也可以让你自己根据时间来掌握沟通的内容。

求英文短情景对话关于party的 1 2分钟可以表演完的

A. What is your plan for Halloween?

B. I don't know. I'll probably just stay at home.

A. Do you want to come to a party with me?

B. What party?

A. My friends are holding a Halloween party next week.

B. That sounds nice! What is the dressing code?

A. Oh, you are highly recommended to wear a costume, but if you really don't have one, it will be fine.

B. Sounds good. When will the party start?

A. It will start at 8 o'clock in the evening, and will probably last for about four hours.

B. It sounds like a great fun. I would really want to go. Where is it?

A. Don't worry about it. I can come and pick you up before the party starts.

B. Thank you so much!

A. No problem. See you then!

B. See you.




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