

03月12日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[超级冷笑话大全,不得不来看看啊]超级冷笑话大全1.一只公鹿,它走着走着,越走越快,最后它变成了高速公路(鹿) 2.两只番茄过马路,一辆汽车飞驰而过,其中一只闪避不及被压扁,另一个番茄指着被压扁的番茄大笑道:...+阅读


Nowadays,more and more traffic accidents occur in the cities where the economies are growing rapidly . Over 30% of accidents are traffic accidents among all kinds of accients.

Some citizens only consider their convenience in daily life ,but never consider more about other people's lives.

In a word ,we should cherish our life. We are surrounded by many people who love us .It is not easy for our parents to bring us up. we should do some thing to avoid this kind of accident.



The teacher's love is invisible, touch, like many parents and teachers have expectations, and female cheng feng heart... But this love students but don't understand, just like me, didn't realize this strictly in lovingkindness.

I am a naughty student class, not a discipline, and music teacher spoke, education, I give strict time very angry. I think: don't say two words? How can the? After the home of my parents about it, my parents told me: one or two words are small... If the people are saying 53 words, then the class can also class? We think the teacher doing very well! Because it can make your classmates. If the teacher say to you, and you will be like a small tree as easy as long bent, if not rectified will more long more curved, finally only will be cut down, and burned off after correction, you will become a towering tree, into your path, albatron became a national useful talent.

Hearing parents of my heart filled with gratitude, the teacher has previously discontent, goes back to dust. Lots of students like me. I hope they communicate more with the teacher tells the truth of life, you may want to grow up all my sight is given the teacher.


Dear: You always get up very late, rarely usually do the housework and always spend a lot of time watching TV, you know, this is not a good life habit. In the study, you not hard, so is nit. Want to know, "ambitious, at the ChengFeng" female is every parent wish, though you are not aware of the problem, but when you enter society, you have to rely on what after to earn? And then as now, while regret, take the time to work hard! 中文: 亲爱的: 你总是起床很晚,平常很少做家务并且总是花大量的时间来看电视,你要知道,这样并不是好的生活习惯。 在学习上,你并不刻苦,所以成绩不够理想。要知道,“望子成龙,望女成凤”是每位家长的心愿,虽然你现在还没有意识到这个问题,但是等你进入社会以后,你要靠什么来自食其力呢?与其那时后悔,还不如趁现在抓紧时间好好努力啊!



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