

03月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语中常见的缩略词有哪些]最低0.27元开通文库会员,查看完整内容> 原发布者:亿凡婷婷201 1.表示各种组织或机构的缩略词 APEC(Asia-PacificEconomicCooperation)亚太经贸合作组636f7079e799bee5baa6e997...+阅读


1.The library is in f of the dining hall. 2. The school o are behind the class room. 3. Write the answers in the b . 4. I p to study hard. 5. What's the p of your new coat? 6. There are some green l on the trees. 7. Please save the d before turning off the computer. 8. The k comes from Australia. 9. There are seven t people in the park on National Day. 10. Apples, melons and o are fruit. 11. We eat h food. 12. We go to school f Monday to Friday. 13. There are some f in the rive. 14. Linda is my f .She is a good g . 15. There are nine b in the tree. 16. W you like some milk? 17. Do you often go shopping w your mother?


41.D从第一段看出,这句子意思是:孩子未必全都太年轻而不能改变世界。42.C从第二段第二句With his help,这里用了his,所以他是一个boy43.D第二句意思是,在他的帮助下,上百口井被建造来为非洲的人民提供干净的水44.A他周游世界去告诉人民水井可以帮助解决一个大问题:发展中国家都缺少淡水45.B他周游世界去告诉人民水井可以帮助解决一个大问题:发展中国家都缺少淡水46.A他从老师那里得知,很多人都生病了其中还有许多人已经垂死了,因为他们没有干净的水喝47.C他靠工作去为那些没水喝的人筹钱48.C他经过四个月的工作,赚到了70美元49.D当他的第一口井被建好的时候他正好70岁50.A直到现在,水井已经为几千人提供水了...


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