

03月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求帮忙写一篇三人英语口语对话]A: Hey , guys , it has been such a long time since last time saw you both, you've changed a lot. How was your life? B:Well, glad to meet you guys again. My life...+阅读



Staff :Good evening ,SIr and madam ; my i help you ?

G1:yes ,we'd like to have dinner here

S:Well,this way please~

S:this is menu ,please take your time

G1:Do you have any special meals today?S:Of course,the hainan chicken rice set meal is very good

G1: thanks, and What would you recommend? my Girl friend prefers something light.S: how about garrupa? It's steamed and served with our special sauce.the sauce is not heavy and very popular here.

G2:OK,I'll have the same as that one. S:and anthing else ?

G2:give me some fried vegetable together.S; thats OK,let me comfirm the order with you:1 hainan chicken rice set meal ,1 steamed garrupa,and 1 fried vegetable,right.



B--Time to dinner, would you like to go with me?

A--No, thank you, but I don't feel like I can eat anything.

B--What's going on? Is everything OK?

A--I'm Fine. Everything is fine.

B--Come on, tell me!

A--Oh, it's about...OK, it's my English class. I'm afraid I couldn't possibly pass the final exam. I got a C in the middle exam, but I think the teacher gave me some extra point which I shouldn't have.

B--Oh, that's it? Don't be so silly! Everything will be OK! There's still four weeks before the exam, you can try harder to study and get a good mark. All you should do is believe yourself and start to review all the stuff which the teacher taught us on the class.

A—oh, easier said than done, you did well in every exam of every lesson. Is there some kind of magic or something? Can you tell me how you did it?

B—As a good friend, I have to tell you, first, I spend less time to play video games. I play them sometimes, but not as much as you. Secondly, I think the way you learn is not the most appropriate, and that wasted much of your time too. You should listen to the teacher more, and take note during the class, I well lend you mine, don't worry.

A--Is it to late to begin just 4 weeks before the exam?

B--Never too late to begin! It will be easy, because I will help you out!

A--Really? Thank you so much! You are saving my life!

B--I'll always save your life! We can begin this evening! So, now dinner?

A--It will be on my treat!


A:hey XXX are you ok ?

B: Are you kidding me ? do i seem to be OK ?

A: what happened ?

B: Get your eyes out of your ass ! I've been shot!(这时候B可以口吐鲜血了)

A:oh.its so fucking bad !

B:im going to die (B顺势倒下然后装死3分钟)

A: No XXX , dont sleep ! open your eyes !

A:Come on XXX ! please open your eyes!





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