

03月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[空间的英文怎么写]空间kōng jiān 中文解释 - 英文翻译 空间的中文解释 以下结果由汉典提供词典解释 基本解释 [space] 与时间相对的一种物质存在形式,表现为长度、宽度、高度。也指数字空间...+阅读


科技的英文是science and technology。




1.science e and technology

科学与技术 | 科学和技术

2.Science Park and technology

3.science U and technology


4.Science Engineering and Technology


5.science policy and technology policy


6.Science Exchanges and Technology Expansion



1.Another distinction between science and technology has to do with the progress in each.


2.The company will build a few automated systems for field trials under supervision of the DHS Science and Technology Directorate.


3.But it is an essential task for science communicators in the developing world, whose efforts will guide the use of science and technology in sustainable development.


4.Programmers know that their craft is not just science and technology but art.


5.The development of science and technology seems to be increasing distance between people.



When the pentagon planner in the early 1970s start designing the global positioning system, just to coordinate aircraft, missile ship, and military transfer. Although the whole system 1933 end to complete, but in the 1991 gulf war, it has been for the aerial bombardment and ground fire to provide accurate target. U.S. hand-held receiver and accurate guide their troops across the MiaoWuRenJi desert.

At present the satellite group are for the blind, to help farmers sow wheat directions, monitor the leakage of oil, and even for golfers to provide better win opportunity. It is also used to protect endangered animals, help the residents quickly found outside on the nearest pizza shop. "Its USES, to list". For the pentagon planner, which is quite unexpected.


“Sci. & Tech.”

科技 [kē jì]



1. 因此,对于我来说,它不但讲述了我的童年,还有科技的历史。

So, for me, it speaks of childhood, and of the history of technology.

2. 当今,随着科技进步,生活节奏不断增快。

Today, the pace of life is increasing with technological advancements.

3. 我后来通过在那里工作的人了解到,他们并没有开始研发这项科技的项目。

I found out later from someone who work there, they never started the project to deliver thetechnology.

4. 虽然我喜欢科技,但我希望能够出于合理的原因,并且在适当的场合使用它。

But I love technology and I want to embrace it for the right reasons and the right occasions.

5. 时尚和科技的结合或者完全的时尚,这是你的选择!

Fashion and tech together or pure fashion, the choice is yours!

6. 我们还设立了其他奖项,我们有科技金融奖。

And we have other awards, we have Technology Financial Awards.

7. 35岁,成为一个专业的资讯科技人员有12年,在这个公司工作有5年了。因为他被告知去做什么,所以他喜欢现有的集体文化。

Steve, 35, has been an IT professional for 12 years and at this company for five years: he likesthe existing group culture because he is told what to do.

8. 他这么做也不需要牺牲放弃多少科技。

Nor was he sacrificing much technology to do so.

9. 有人可能会争论,对气候变化将如何影响我们的未来这类信息的需求已经超出了当前科技和气候模型的能力。

Some would argue that the demand for information on how climate change will affect our futureoutstrips the current capability of the science and climate models.

10. 究其原因?科技进步只是一部分。

Why? Technology is only part of the reason.


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