

03月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[写给男朋友的唯美句子]1、没有不会苍老的容颜,没有不会消逝的时光,没有不会干涸的河流,没有不能翻越的山岗,只有我对你的爱将是永恒,此生到永远幸福永恒! 2、爱如夏花,在我生命里永远有个她;恋如琴弦,琴...+阅读



"Has a leaf of window, can let a person do not despair... If have one kind of love, can make people do not hurt... " It was dark, can't see everything, everything was brought into the night, afraid of loneliness. I want to be a blow Hulusi, blow heart entanglement melancholy, blowing out the invisible.


Sorry, I think we are not very suitable, you first do not sad, I was very reluctant to you, but with you I think is on you, wasting your time, you can find a more suitable for you than me, without any reason, no excuse, perhaps this is God tell us a joke, in the wrong time to the wrong people twist together, sorry, leave me!...


你好,小弟弟,如下: My dear,it`s too young for us to fall in love with each other at this moment.And my parents are so worried about my life and study,if you want to care about me or do something good to me,then just leave me alone so that we can still be average friends,or else we are enermies.Please show your respects to me,thank you always. 我亲爱的,对于你我而言此时相恋未免太早.我父母双亲对我学习同生活投以忧虑心态,若想关心或为我好的话,那么就离我远点便以我们还能做普通友友,否则你我便会是敌人.尊重我一些,谢谢. 满意请速采纳,多谢合作!


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