

03月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[《当幸福来敲门》]经典励志电影:《当幸福来敲门》 幸福何时来敲门? 故事发生在81年的美国,讲述了一个年轻男子在金融时期遭遇与突破了百般艰辛的生活从而成功创业的真实故事。男主角克里斯拥有...+阅读


the pursuit of happiness 也是我最喜爱的电影之一,祝你演讲成功! in 2009,a movie from usa left a great impression on the audiences all over the world. the film, >describes the hard life of a medical machine sellor and the process of he pursuing happiness. i am touched by the optimistic attitude of the leading role . he never give up his hope and keep a sense of humor all the time . this story also metions his family,his wife and his lovely boy.i like the boy in the movie,he is always keeping happy and he knows how to encourge his dad. ok ,that is all ,thank you very much.


The Pursuit of Happynessis a 2006 American biographical drama film, directed by Gabriele Muccino and based on the true story of Chris Gardner. The film stars Will Smith as Gardner, an on-and-off-homeless salesman-turned stockbroker.

The screenplay by Steven Conrad is based on the eponymous best-selling memoir written by Gardner with Quincy Troupe. The film was released on December 15, 2006, by Columbia Pictures. For performance Smith received an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor and a Golden Globe nomination.


In 1981, in San Francisco, the smart salesman and family man Chris Gardner invests the family savings in Osteo National bone-density scanners, an apparatus twice as expensive as an x-ray machine but with a slightly clearer image. This white elephant financially breaks the family, bringing troubles to his relationship with his wife Linda, who leaves him and moves to New York where she has received a job in a pizza parlor. She wishes to take their son Christopher with her, but Chris refuses because they both know that Linda will be unable to take care of him. Without money or a wife, but totally committed to his son Christopher, Chris sees the chance to fight for a stockbroker internship position at Dean Witter, offering a more promising career at the end of a six month unpaid training period. There are nineteen other candidates for the one position. Meanwhile, he encounters many challenges and difficulties, including a period of homelessness and troubles with the IRS.


In 1981, Chris Gardner was a struggling salesman in little needed medical bone density scanners while his wife toiled in double shifts to support the family including their young son, Christopher. In the face of this difficult life, Chris has the desperate inspiration to try for a stockbroker internship where one in twenty has a chance of a lucrative full time career. Even when his wife leaves him because of this choice, Chris clings to this dream with his son even when the odds become more daunting by the day. Together, father and son struggle through homelessness, jail time, tax seizure and the overall punishing despair in a quest that would make Gardner a respected millionaire. Written by Kenneth Chisholm.已近而立之年的克里斯·加德纳(威尔·史密斯),早已经厌烦了作为一个普普通通的医疗器械推销员的职业。如今,则面临着来自家庭、社会等等的压力。




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