

03月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语写作请假条]Asking for Leave March 6th, 2013 Dear Mr Li, I'm sorry to tell you that I have to ask for sick leave for the whole afternoon class. Because I have a heavy heada...+阅读


1. 从句意来看,用because he thought differently也是可以的。但是,此时because引导的是一个原因状语从句,整个句子结构就变成了主从复合句,而不是并列句了。所以,此种改法是不符合题目要求的。另:此句还可以用so来引导并列句,即:He thought differently, so he shook his head.2. 该句要变成复合句的话,可以用楼主自己写的句式:He shook his head because he thought differently.(句中的逗号可要可不要)或:Because he thought differently,he shook his head....


The present condition in most universities is that teachers are decided by teaching group leaders or the Dean's offices. I think if students have the right to choose their own teachers, it will be much better in an all-around way. There are several reasons as below.

Firstly, students will be more active in the class. How will you perform if the teacher is your favourite? I think you will fix your attention on the lessons and absorb every words the teacher is talking about. Secondly, students are prone to raise questions to their favourite teachers. As there is no gap or distance between the students and the teachers they choose, students preferred to accept the ideas and suggests from their favourite teachers. Thirdly, good relations and friendship will be cultivated between students and the teachers they choose. A teacher is chosen for some specific reasons, maybe the teacher has great charm, or he is funny and heart-warming. Therefore, after class, students are willing to exchange ideas and thoughts with the teacher they choose, they'd like to make friends with the teacher as elder sister or brother.

All in all, there are many good aspects for students to choose their own teacher.


ctivities after Class I am a primary school student. In school, too. My school encourages students to do exercise after class. So my school provides us many places and equipment. I like taking part in various activities after class. It makes me happy, I have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. Usually, the classes are over at about half past four. So I have much time to have fun. We students have many activities after class. For example, I like playing badminton and table tennis. Some of my classmates like playing basketball and football. There is a gym in my school. It's a popular place


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