

03月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[劳动法的一段英文翻译]Under the "Labor Contract Law," the provisions of 41'th , layoffs in more than 20, businesses must comply with the conditions: (A) in accordance with the provisio...+阅读


Artificial Intelligence is very active in recent years one of the areas of research. Computer Game artificial intelligence research is an important branch of the study of artificial intelligence has brought many important methods and theory, produce a wide range of social and academic impact. Gobang is a widely loved by the public of the game, its rules simple and changeable, very rich and interesting and fun. This paper from the network Gobang the server-side control logic to analysis and design of computer games on the principle, the use JAVA Gobang network design and implementation of the study, based on the computer for further understanding of the game. This procedure is used to achieve a JAVA-based C / S model Gobang network Versus game. JAVA is a simple, object-oriented, distributed, explained, robust, secure, structure neutral, portable, very high performance multi-threaded, dynamic language. Therefore the development of the network by using Java applications can run on various platforms, and not related to the equipment, a development running everywhere, greatly increased development efficiency and reduce the duplication of efforts. Through the audience as a client server-side with other players for Versus, chat, and other functions. This procedure as a network game, the fun is the confrontation between people, not just people with the various procedures set up in advance of the confrontation, than the ordinary man-machine Versus game more vitality, more fun , But through the realization of this procedure can deepen their understanding of computer network programming.


EDC platform will be located in the engine room of enterprise information management subsystem. Group of the enterprise information system through data center to achieve centralized management simplified so that the operational subsystems of concern in their own application of the functions of the system, to the bottom of the network, storage, security infrastructure construction completed by the EDC, this group could make effective use of their resources, thus lowering the overall cost of ownership and increase the efficiency of enterprises and the core competitiveness. Corporation also for the staff and production, business management system to provide the basic communication platform LAN. It will serve as a basis for the support network and communications command, office automation, Comprehensive management of the day-to-day work of support, providing high performance, high stability, high redundancy and manageability. DCN in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and the Directorate General of Telecommunications Network Management Center for the network, which covers all provinces, municipalities, provinces and autonomous regions of the network management center, a total of 34 nodes trunk, forming a nationwide network. Through the provincial network management center to the provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions of the seven different professional network management network If long-distance telephone network, mobile communications network, broadband network and other business connected to the three core network make every province Network Management Center for the professional management of information sent to the Group of the network management center, so as to achieve network monitoring, management, and maintenance of decision-making information and automation.


In recent years, our country many quality colleges and universities have opened the commercial English curriculum one after another, and decides as it English specialized specialized core curriculum. Under the global economic integration's big background, the international economy trade is day by day frequent, the society to has the commercial English professional skill talented person demand to be getting bigger and bigger. Does this article from the profession forerunner aspect, how analyze raises the collection language skill and the professional skill in a body's multi-skill foreign commerce English application talented person. Carries out in the working practice studies the theoretical knowledge, strengthens own working ability, improves own overall quality. 商务英语, Commercial English 先导, Forerunner 贸易 Trade


12。信息技术 资讯科技业(例如顾问)是对新技术的开拓者在工业和公共部门(Caplen张跃平等,2003年),在整个部门凭借最新的技术和技术合格的工人(例如程序员,系统解决方案,它建筑师,等等。)(顾问和马修·戴维斯,2005)。它的顾问的工作可以被划分为知识密集型的工作 (Alvesson,2000)。这是有趣的研究领域,不仅之间的相互关系,但它与组织的关系更具体的工作环境工程学(e.g.psychosocial)。先前的研究指出 一些不合适的工作条件的社会心理工作环境在这行业杂志,2003;20(e.g.Brown和Teo,1999)。这种类型的工作 增加的内在动力和激发它顾问来学习和发展所需的技能,以满足日益增长的工作要求,同时提高水平的工作 紧张和其他健康负面结果(如疾病)。 据我们所知,非常小的研究结果已经发表有关的工作条件下,工作动机和健康的涵义和Teo顾问, 1999年)。

然而,一些以往的研究是有趣的。在一项研究中,一组IT-consultants在美国,布朗(2002)发现了一份工作,提供了自治、挑战、反馈和能力去使用技能是非常重要的推动工作满意及工作的动机。然而,这项研究有一定的局限性由于小样本量(21),特别是低应答率(49%)。而且,一种干预研究集中在瑞典IT-company策略,该组织和雇主可以用来增加卫生(那么成熟derstro”米等,2003年)。作者描述了社会心理工作环境中工作的工作,具有较高的利率高的工作要求和高水平的customeroriented 活动。大部分的工人的高水平应激报道由于短提前计划。工人们也经历了一个消极的平衡工作、工作 控制和社会支持在工作。所以”derstro认为工作需求”米似乎是最重要的风险指标与应变和烧毁。在定性 学习有关疾病的可能原因是它在工作场所(分开的银行)在瑞典,指出了“不可能”受损的雇员的截止日期 一个好的工作能力(《2004年)。


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