[英语的简单问题]1.They----(go)to shcool at seven every morning go 2.Tom----(swim)in the river now is swimming 3.I want----(work)here to work 4.----(not get)down from the tree D...+阅读
额 商务英语 会让你头疼的~~~~~~~~我就是学商务英语的 ~~~~~~~大概有国际金融、国际贸易、人力资源管理、市场营销、商务谈判、商务沟通等基本理论和基础知识,一般还有口译啊 函电啊什么的 专业性特别强,就是说你即使是有英语基础的人 拿到那个书 里面的东西你可看不懂。得认真的好好学,不然就废了!!!商务英语学生毕业后可以去国家机关、外事、外贸、外企、各类涉外金融机构、商务管理公司、专业翻译机构、出版、新闻、旅游、高级宾馆酒店等部门,承担商务管理、商务翻译、外贸洽谈、经贸文秘、英语编辑、英语记者、驻外商务代理、涉外公关、涉外导游等工作;也可在中学、中专、职高、技校和英语语言培训中心、大中专院校及科研部门等从事教学和科研工作,教育类的工作只要你考个教师资格证就好了。
(1)Could you tell me about the facilities in your hometown? (长春) My hometown locates in Changchun.The facilities there,are famous for railyaway vehicles.CRC,the Changchun railway vehicles Co.,Ltd. It not only has an enterprise technology center of national grade and a center for post-doctoral studies, but also has an outstanding team for R&D, adopting the world best R&D and design method, achieving the national leading level in informationization and office automation.
(2)Could you tell me how important you think imports and exports are to China? It finds that China is moving away from traditional assembly operations in its processing activities and its exports have started to rely more on domestically sourced components. In turn, China's imports and exports have begun to delink, with increased domestic sourcing contributing to the recent increase in its trade balance. In addition, as China moves up the value chain, both its imports and exports have become more sophisticated than in the past. As a result of these shifts, China may be becoming more exposed to fluctuations in the strength of the global economy, and changes in its exchange rate could have a bigger impact on the trade balance and the domestic economy than commonly believed.
(3)Could you tell me what effect you think technology is having on business life in China? Push the biz booms.We believe that Mainland's rich technological resources is a key source of input and a critical catalyst for the innovation and technology development of nation 's industries. More importantly, leveraging on the Mainland's research capabilities strategically will contribute to the economic development.
(4)Could you tell me how important you think the tourist industry is to China?Tourist industry has important position in the service industry and pushes the economic growth. Though the tourist industry is easy influenced by the sudden affairs, its monitoring and predicting are important in the economy.
初三英语的问题一般过去时强调的是已做过的动作,与现在的事实没关系,现在完成时强调的是已做过的动作对现在造成的影响。另外一般过去时有明确的过去时间,而现在完成时的时间是延续的时间,用 s...
英语专业的未来问题本人英语专业09应届毕业生。现正从事专职翻译,当然是很基础的翻译工作。 鉴于你的情况,我觉得匆忙做决定没有必要。 首先要问自己想做什么,然后问自己想要什么。 如果你不喜欢...
商务英语有关包装问题的邮件怎么写商务英语有关包装问题的邮件1:文体介绍 作为国际贸易合同中的要件(Condition)之一,包装是进出口业务中一项不容忽视的环节。从经济学角度上来说,包装是现实货物商品价值和使用价...
常见的英语问题急常见的英语问题急,一些英语问题:两者都有“每个”的意思,但用法不同: (1)each具有名词和形容词的功能,every只有形容词的功能。 (2)each指两个或两个以上的人或事物中的“每个”;every...
关于英语的问题关于英语的问题,英语的一些问题:一.有be,这是主语省略的情况 二,B,这个我是凭语感 作的,以前好像见过这个短语 三,B,这个句子中,you是主语,所以需要谓语,这里有are了,所以D排除,get along...
常见的英语问题常见的英语问题,几个英语小问题:两者都有“每个”的意思,但用法不同: (1)each具有名词和形容词的功能,every只有形容词的功能。 (2)each指两个或两个以上的人或事物中的“每个”;every...
关于英语的一些问题关于英语的一些问题,关于英语的小问题:1)协助主要动词构成谓语动词词组的词叫助动词(Auxiliary Verb)。被协助的动词称作主要动词(Main Verb)。 助动词自身没有词义,不可单独使用,例...
请英语专业的回答:英语写作基础问题请英语专业的回答:英语写作基础问题,求英语专业英语作文:1. 从句意来看,用because he thought differently也是可以的。但是,此时because引导的是一个原因状语从句,整个句子结构就...