[祝寿词有哪些?]寿比南山、万寿无疆、福如东海、寿山福海、长命百岁等。 1、寿比南山 【解释】:寿命象终南山那样长久。用于祝人长寿。 【出自】:《诗经·小雅·天保》:“如月之恒,如日之升,如南...+阅读
纵使 纵令 纵然 再说 虚词 至于
至若 至乎 至如 只有 只要 至乃
致使 自然 再不 于是乎 于是 又且
与其 由于 因而 因为 以致 以至
要是 以及 以下 以为 虚字 焉乃
勿然 万一 无论 忘其 亡其 倘然
倘使 所以 顺推 庶几 顺接 是故
是以 甚至 设或 设若 便乃 便做
别管 不然 不论 不怕 不拘 不仅
不但 不过 不管 不料 诚然 词类
除非 但凡 从而 等到 当使 分句
而亦 而乃 尔其 而且 反而 而况
否则 固然 故尔 果然 或曰 或是
或者 何况 及至 及以 既然 即使
假借义 加以 加之 尽管 借如 借令
尽管 借使 就是 可是 况乎 况于
连绝 况且 哪怕 乃至 譬如 丕则
丕乃 且夫 然则 然而 任凭 如其
并列连词:有 和、跟、与、同、及、而、况、况且、何况、乃至等。
承接连词:有 则、乃、就、而、于是、至于、说到、此外、像、如、一般、比方等。
转折连词:有 却、但是、然而、而、偏偏、只是、不过、至于、致、不料、岂知等。
因果连词:有 原来、因为、由于、以便、因此、所以、是故、以致等。
选择连词:有 或、抑、非…即、不是…就是等。
假设连词:有 若、如果、若是、假如、假使、倘若、要是、譬如等。
比较连词:有 像、好比、如同、似乎、等于;不如、不及;与其…不如、若…则、虽然…可是等。
让步连词:有 虽然、固然、尽管、纵然、即使等。
1.增补(Addition) in addition, furthermore, again, also, besides, moreover, what`s more, similarly, next, finally. 2.比较(Comparison) in the same way, likewise, similarly, equally, in comparison, just as 3.对照(Contrast) whereas, in contrast, on the other hand, instead, however, nevertheless, unlike, even though, on the contrary, while 4.因果(Cause and effect) because, because of, for, since, due to, owing to, thanks to, as a result(of), accordingly, hence, so, thus 5.强调(Emphasis) certainly, above all, indeed, of course, surely, actually, as a matter of fact, chiefly, especially, primarily, in particular, undoubtedly, absolutely, most imprtant 6.让步(Concession) although, though, after all, in spite of, nevertheless, still, provided, while it is true.... 7.例证(Exemplification) for example, for instance, that is, namely, such as, in other words, in this case, by way of illustration. 8.总结(Conclusion) to sum up, to conclude, in a word, in short, in brief, all in all, in all, to put it in a nutshell, in summary 9.推断(Inference) therefore, as a result(of), consequently, accordingly, so, otherwise 10.时间和空间(Time and space) afterward, after, first, later, then, soon, outside, near, beyound, above, below, on the right(left), in the middle, opposite, in front of 11.启承转合 1)、启 A proverb says...... At present....... As the proverb says.... Currently..... Generally speaking, .... Now,.... In general, ..... On the Whole.... It is clear that.... Recently..... It is often said that.... Without doubt, ....... 2)、承 First(of all), ...... Moreover, ......... Firstly, ............ No one can deny that.... In the first place, ......... Obviously..... To begin with, ......... Of course, ......... Also, ....... Similarly,......... At the same time...... Therefore, we should realize that..... Certainly...... There is no doubt that....... In addition,..... What`s more, .......... In fact........ It can be easily proved that... Meanwhile...... 3)、转 But... Still, ...... But the problem is not so simple... There is a certain amount of truth in this, but we still have a problem with regard to....... However, ....... To our surprise,.......... Nevertheless, ........ Unfortunately....... On the other hand, ....... Yet difference will be found and that is why I feel that........ Others may find this to be true, but I do not. I think..... 4)、合 Above all, In brief, ........ Accordingly, ..... In conclusion, ........ All in all, ....... In other words, it is hard to escape the conclusion that........ As a consequence, ......... In short, ......... As I have shown/said/stated/.... In sum, ........ In summary, ....... As has been noted, .... Obviously, ......... By so doing, ..... On the whole, ..... Consequently, ........ Presumably, ....... Eventually, ......... To conclude, ...... Finally, ........ To sum up, ..... In a word, ...... To summarize, ......
定义:连词是用来连接词与词、词组与词组或句子与句子、表示某种逻辑关系的虚词。 连词可以表并列、承接、转折、因果、选择、假设、比较、让步等关系。 【并列连词】:有 和、跟、与、同、及、而、况、况且、何况、乃至等。 【承接连词】:有 则、乃、就、而、于是、至于、说到、此外、像、如、一般、比方等。 【转折连词】:有 却、但是、然而、而、偏偏、只是、不过、至于、致、不料、岂知等。 【因果连词】:有 原来、因为、由于、以便、因此、所以、是故、以致等。 【选择连词】:有 或、抑、非…即、不是…就是等。 【假设连词】:有 若、如果、若是、假如、假使、倘若、要是、譬如等。 【比较连词】:有 像、好比、如同、似乎、等于;不如、不及;与其…不如、若…则、虽然…可是等。
【让步连词】:有 虽然、固然、尽管、纵然、即使等。 成语中也有使用连词的情况,如: 宁缺勿滥、三思而行、好整以暇
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