

03月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[钢筋机械连接方法分类及适用范围有哪些]1、 径向挤压连接 将一个钢套筒套在两根带肋钢筋的端部,用超高压液压设备(挤压钳)沿钢套筒径向挤压钢套管,在挤压钳挤压力作用下,钢套筒产生塑性变形与钢筋紧密结合,通过钢套筒与...+阅读



(1),表选择关系或对等关系的连接词:either…or…, neither…nor…, or, as well as, and, both…and….

(2),表因果关系的连接词:therefore, so, as a result, as the result of, because of, due to, owing to, thanks to等。

(3),表时间顺序的连接词:the moment, as soon as, at first, then, later, meanwhile, at the beginning, in the end, before long, for the first time, the minute. (4),表转折关系的连接词:yet, and yet, but, while, on the contrary, on the other hand, however, at the same time(然而)等。

(5),表解释说明的连接词:that is, that is to say, in other words, such as, for example, for instance, and so on, etc, and the like, and what not等。

(6),表递进关系的连接词:not only…but (also), what's more, what's worse, besides, in addition, worse still, moreover, above all等。

(7),表总结的连接词:in a word, on the whole, in short, briefly, in brief, to sum up, in all等 1)表层次: first,firstly, to begin with, further, in the first place second,secondly, to start with, still, furthermore third,thirdly, what is more, last, last but not least also, and then, next, besides and equally important too moreover besides in addtion finally 2)表转折; by contrast although though yet at the same time but despitethe fact that even so in contrast nevertheless even though for all that notwithstanding on the contarary however in spite of on the other hand otherwise instead still regardless 3)表因果; therfore consequently because of for the reason thus hence due to owing to so accordingly thanks to on this account since as on that account in this way for as a result as a consequence 4)表让步: still nevertheless concession granted naturally in spite of all the same of course despite even so after all 5)表递近: furthermore moreover likewise what is more besides also not only...but also... too in addtion 6)表举例: for example for instance for one thing that is to illustrate as an illustration a case in point 7)表解释: as a matter of fact frankly speaking in this case namely in other words 8)表总结: in summary in a word thus as has been said in brief in conclusion altogether in other words to conclude in fact finally in simpler terms indeed in short in particular that is in other words of course on the whole to put it differently namely in all therefore to summarize 1. 对等连接词and可连接两个动词,意思是"而且,并且"。 Hey, a pet shop. Let's go in and have a look. 嘿,宠物商店。进去看看。 2. 对等连接词and可连接两个名词或代名词;"和"。 My friend and I want to buy a pet. 我的朋友和我想买个宠物。 3. 连接词after连接子句,意思是"在…之后"。 Why don't we do it after we have finished shopping? 我们为什么不买完东西后再去? 4. 连接词before连接子句,意思是"在…之前"。 No, I have to buy a pet before you use up all the money. 不,我得在你把钱花完之前买个宠物。 5. 连接词for连接表原因的子句;"因为…"。 I think this way, for I had the similar experience before. 我这么想,因为我以前有过相似的经历。 6. 连接词therefore连接表结果的句子,"所以…";that连接形容词子句。 Therefore, this time I must buy things that I like first. 所以,这次我必须先买我喜欢的东西。 7. 连接词if连接表示假设的子句,"如果…"。 Ok, I'll go with you if you promise not to use up all the money. 好吧,如果你保证不把钱花光我就和你去。 8. 连接词but连接表示转折的句子,意思是"但是…;而…"。 A cat? But we've already got one. 猫?但我们已经有一只了。 9. 连接词because连接表示原因的句子,意思是"因为…"。 You have to buy the two together, because this one is that one's interpreter. 不行,你得两只一起买,因为这只是那只的翻译。 10. 连接词neither…nor连接两代名词,意思是"既不...也不..."。 Neither he nor I like a dog. 他和我都不喜欢狗。 11. 连接词why连接名词子句,意思是"为何…"。 I wonder why you think this way. 搞不懂你为何这么想。 12. 连接词whether连接名词子句,意思是"是否"。 I wonder whether you can help us. 不知道你是否能帮我们。 13. what连接名词子句,相当于all that。 Ha, parrots! This is what I want. 哈,鹦鹉!这是我要的东西




转折关系连词:却、虽然、但是、然而、而、偏偏、只是、不过、至于、致、不料、岂知等。 因果关系连词:原来、因为、由于、以便、因此、所以、是故、以致等。





递进关系连词:不但、不仅、而且、何况、并、且等。 条件关系连词:不管、只要、除非等。


成语中也有使用连词的情况,如: 宁缺勿滥、三思而行、好整以暇


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