

03月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语作文不少于60词关于暑假发生的一件有趣的事]Summer Vacation I enjoy summer vacation very much. Because summer vacation is the longest vacation of the year. We have more than fifty days to rest. Though it...+阅读


The Advantages and Disadvantages of Eating Fast Food

Fast foods,such as hamburger and pizza only need a short time to order.Moreover,nowadays,the restaurants which sell them can be found easily.Therefore,no matter when you are hungry,or wherever you are,there is probably at least one fast food restaurant just a short drive away.

Another advantage of eating fast foods is that they have a good taste.For instance,french fries,spaghetti and fried chicken have special flavor which make the consumers be addicted.Because in fact,such fast foods are added with additives,such as Monosodium glutamate (MSG) and sodium which can improve the taste of food.However,eating fast foods also has disadvantage is that it is one of factors causing obesity.Generally,fast foods have many of calories and these accumulate in the body as fat deposits that can cause obesity.In addition,with obesity come other problems like high blood pressure and diseases of the joints.Some researchers have shown that there is a direct link between fast food and obesity on children.

All in all,human being should think twice if they want to eat fast foods in order to keep away from the negative impacts

FAST FOOD为题的英语短文

Fast food is becoming more and more popular in China, especially among children and teenagers.There are several reasons for its popularity. First, it is very convenient and saves a lot of time. Second, you can either eat it there or take it away. Third, the environment of fast food restaurants is both clean and comfortable. However, in terms of nutrition, fast food is far from satisfactory. It is usually not a balanced diet and low in nutritional value.Fast food is only a good choice when you are in a hurry and turn to it once in a while. It's good for people, especially children, to eat fast food as little as possible. 略 ...


It contains so much sugar and fat, which makes us put on weight so easily. Since the westerners have the fast food every day,它是远远不能令人满意。大多数的快餐都是垃圾食品. It always serves in no time, so we can either eat it in the restaurant or take it away。它含有太多的糖份和脂肪。另一方面,因为烹饪方式的不同,它看起来很好看,吃起来也很好吃。更重要的是,服务和环境都很好,所以我们可以在餐厅里吃或者把它带走,这会很容易增加我们的体重。因为西方人每天都吃快餐,所以他们大多数人都超重,血压高,有坏牙齿, the service and environment is good, so that we can have our dinner in a happy mood. 一方面. For another, because of the different ways of cooking, it looks nice and tastes delicious. What's more, in terms of nutrition, it's far from satisfactory. Most fast food is junk food,特别是在青少年和儿童中,这样我们就可以在一个愉快的环境吃晚餐。

HoweverFast food becomes more popular now, especially among the teenagers and the children. Why do so many people like fast food? 快餐食品现在越来越流行, most of them have heavy weights, high blood pressure and bad teeth。 Therefore, I suggest that we should eat less fast food but more nutritious dishes. 因此,我建议我们应该少吃快餐多吃更有营养的菜肴。为什么那么多人喜欢快餐呢? For one thing, it's very fast and convenient,在营养方面,快餐很快也很方便。总是很快就能上菜. 然而


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