
期刊论文投稿时 coverring

03月24日 编辑 fanwen51.com


期刊论文投稿时 coverring letters

第一次投稿Cover letter:主要任务是说明文章主要创新以及声明没有一稿多投

Dear Editors:

We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled “Paper Title”, which we wish to be considered for publication in “Journal Name”. No conflict of interest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and manuscript is approved by all authors for publication. I would like to declare on behalf of my co-authors that the work described was original research that has not been published previously, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part. All the authors listed have approved the manuscript that is enclosed.

如何写cover letter

Dear HR Manager, I would like to apply for the Summer internship Program. As a second-year-postgraduate student major in Mechanical Engineering, I have some basic knowledge on both mechanical engineering and chemical industry. I have a friend who is one of the interns of your last Summer internship Program. She told me many things about her experiences in your company.And that is why I am really fond of that kind of life: to corporate with excellent workmates, to solve problems in a challenging circumstance and to enjoy thedelightfulness of accomplishing tough tasks. I will really appreciate your kindness if you offer me such an opportunity to join the big family of XXX. You can contact me any time at your convenience, looking forward to your reply and thank you for your consideration. Best Regards!

最如何写cover letter投稿

投稿信(Cover letter)


? 避免事实错误或错别字,尤其是期刊名称或编辑的名字;

? 阐明这项研究的目的,通过研究目的简明扼要地讨论研究的重要性、对其研究领域的影响及与相关研究的联系,在这里相关的研究包括根据相同或相关的数据集所做的研究;

? 确认文章符合利益冲突的要求、ICMJE作者标准及贡献者公开标准,或符合期刊的具体规定(如与上述有所不同);

? 如果期刊有要求,独立且公正的审稿人,并且(如果有要求)列出由于存在利益冲突而不应担任审稿人的个人(例如从事相近研究的个人);

? 写明之前公开全部或部分数据的所有活动,包括海报展示、会议摘要、新闻发布或营销材料,详细说明公开数据的时间和地点;

? 写明就该文章同时向其它期刊投稿的任何行为(如果有)。


? 如果相同作者曾经发表或有意向发表与投稿相关联的文章,请详细说明这些文章;

? 其它期刊编辑与审稿人对所投稿的过往评审意见。

cover letter如何写

for he was a visiting professor staying two years in Dept. of ECE in your university, X. M. The second is from another professor. The first is from my academic advisor, P, whom I am assisting for in his program, M Cheng, who taught me Digital Circuit. Cheng. He informed me your school for the first choiceDear Graduate Admission Committee,

Please find enclosed my application packet for the Bioinformatics Program and financial aid. I enclose one original and copies of the following:

Cover sheet

Undergraduate transcript

Masters' transcript(if availabe)

Graduate transcript(if availabe)

Two page Resume/. Zou, Deputy Head of my college. I spent last summer on a research supervised by Prof. M, Chair of Communication Engineering in my college, whom I have taken classes from and worked on research projects with in her DSP lab. The third is from the other professor;Curriculum Vitae

Two page Personal Statement

I also enclose three letters of recommendation


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