

03月24日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[我们更愿意谈论未来]我们更愿意谈论未来 我们比以往任何时候都注重一个产品的参数。大到汽车小到手机,在购置之前,我们总要做点功课。 你要买一部手机。这个时候,各种消息人士、行业预测、以往惯例...+阅读


My First Job

I decided to find a job this summer holiday. Though my parents care for me and I have enough money to spend, I still wanted to work. The reason for this is first, I could get money myself; second, I could get valuable experience.

With the newspaper's help, I was able to get a job in a restaurant to wash bowls.

It's my first time to see a boss. I was so nervous that I didn't know where to put my hands and feet. The boss looked me up and down, and there's no expression in his face. I was really not sure whether I could get the job, but I wanted it eagerly, so I looked at him bravely and said:“Let me have a try, sir! I can do it well!” Maybe he was moved, then I got my first job.

Washing bowls doesn't need too much experiences, it only needs physical strength and resoluteness. The most toilsome is to carry the basin, which is full of bowls and plates to the kitchen. And the most suffering is that the hands must be soaked in water to do the washing for so long a time. But I always have my motto in my mind:“If you have more pain than others, you will be better than others!”

After a month, on the evening of August the 16th, the boss gave me 300 yuan and said :“You have done a good job!” I smiled, took the money and said good-bye to him. Then I returned home. My work came to an end.

Working is hard, people who don't work couldn't really feel it. When I was in the restaurant, watching all kinds of people, doing all kinds of works, I understand the value of life, and now I know how to be a real person.

I want to be a谈论未来的工作英语作文

1.tell them what you want to be , such as teacher,doctor,celebrity,etc. 2.tell them why you want to be. outline your reasons,such as "i love children so i want to be a teacher" or so. 3.tell them what you plan to do in your work 4.if possible, you can tell me what you are being preparing for your future occupation. 5.conclude your perceptions on your future job. zat's all!


Ada:My dream is to be a teacher in the future.Because a teacher is said to be the engin of the soul. It is glorious to be a teacher.At the same time,I can recieve the respect from the students.How about you,what's your favourite job?

Tim:I dream to be a singer in the future,it's very cool for a man to sing on the stage.What's more important,a lot of girls will fall in love with me.

Ada:It's a burden to become a star.In order to success,they have to work even harder than ordinary people,rest less and they always have to be in good state since they are standing in front of the public.They have more professional depression.The fans and some bad journalists always violates their right of privacy.All those factors may sometimes makes some stars choose to end their life and leave the world their pities.

Tim:Yeah,a coin has two sides.It's a heavy burden to become a star.How can I do now?


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