

03月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[新目标八年级英语上册第十单元教案反思怎么说]你是老师吧,这方面还是要自己写,不够反思内容应该包含以下几个方面:(仅供参考) 反思 一、词汇教学 《新目标英语》词汇量大,其中七年级上册有词汇 700个左右,下册约450个,八年级上册...+阅读


Section A 2a2b conversation 1 女孩1:怎么了? 女孩2:我发烧了。 女孩1:是的,你看起来脸色不太好,你应该多喝水。 女孩2:你是对的。 conversation 2 女孩1:怎么了? 女孩2:我的嗓子疼。 女孩1:你应该喝一些热茶配蜂蜜 conversation 3 女孩:怎么样了? 男孩:我胃疼。 女孩:这真是太不好的消息了。你应该躺下休息。并且不能在两小时内吃任何东西。 男孩:我想我应该这样。 conversation 4 女孩:你怎么了? 男孩:我牙齿痛。 女孩:你应该去看牙医。 女孩:我想我应该这样。 Section B 2a2b conversation 1 吉娜,你怎么样了? 我很累。 你应该早点睡觉。 这是一个好主意。 你今晚当然也不能去参加那个聚会。 我想你是对的。 conversation 2 你怎么了,汤尼? 我很有压力。 你应该听一些音乐。

这听起来是一个好主意。 然后休息,你今晚不应该学习了。 我想我是该停止了。 conversation 3 茱莉亚,你怎么了? 我很渴。 你应该喝点水。 我想你是对的。 并且你不应该再吃任何饺子了。 conversation 4 埃兰,你怎么了? 我很饿。 你应该吃一个苹果。 这是一个好主意。 你不应该在饭碗前踢足球了。


以下是该单元所有的单词和词组 how often exercise skateboard hardly ever once twice time surf Internet program high school result for as for about junk junk food milk coffee chip cola chocolate drink health how many interviwer habit try of course look after lifestyle grade better same as different difference unhealthy maybe although for grandpa a lot of keep must less Katrina can't stand doing go skateboarding hardly ever love doing twice a week once a month Three times a week Thanks for doing every night most students four times a week about twice a week want sb to do be good for come home from school eating habit try to do sleep nine hours healthy lifestyle help me get good grades help me to study better play ping-pong keep in good health


1 Here is the survey result of the activities of the students from Green High school .

This is the survey result of the activities of the students from Green High School .

2 The survey result of watching TV is very interesting .

3 You must eat as little meat as possible .

4 Sometimes everyone feels very tired .

5 I am very sorry to hear that you feel sick .


stop doing sth 和stop to do sth.

stop doing sth是“停止做某事”,doing是stop 的宾语,是要停止的动作,

stop to do sth 是“停下来开始做某事”,to do是stop的状语,表示目的,是要开始做的事情,例如:

1、The two girls stopped talking when they saw me.


2、The two girls stopped to talk to me when they saw me.




good at

not only............................but also


the more the better....................


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