

03月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[最重要的是要学会尊重每一个人]最重要的是要学会尊重每一个人 这是发生在美国纽约曼哈顿的故事。 一天,一位40多岁的中年女人领着一个小男孩走进美国著名企业“巨象集团”总部大厦楼下的花园,在一张长椅上...+阅读


这是机译的,难免有误,仅供参考。A Customs Union (关税同盟) in a single customs territory instead of two or more than two tariff, tariff rateson the same imports from non members of the two elements, namely customs union is: the abolition ofinternal trade barriers, execute unified protective measures. As the typical representative EU.Free trade area (自由贸易区) to break the trade barriers of foreign internal interaction, maintain theirrespective implementation of the tariff rate, still retains its for non members of the trade protection policy andcorresponding measures. A new tariff free trade zone is not visible, foreign no uniform requirements, therespective Contracting State in accordance with the WTO standard and the other members of the WTO Fang Jinhang trade. Typical of such as NAFTA.Some scholars think that regional trade arrangementshas three forms, namely, in addition to the above twoalso includes a transition to a temporary agreementaimed at one of the two forms (临时协定). Interim transitional refers to: the formation of a customs union or free trade area need some time,on completion of the transitional arrangements, thecustoms territory without immediately cancel all internaltrade barriers, and can realize the transition in a certain period of time.The difference between a customs union and free trade area is: the former no tariffs on inside, outside have a uniform tariff and tariff tax environment; the latterparticipating countries still maintain their tariffs and tariffenvironment, but to the member in the area product taxor tax reduction, the treatment is better than the mostmfn.Free trade zone is the integration of regional economyare the most common, the most basic form of cooperation. According to WTO statistics, as of March 1, 2002, regional trade integration is being implemented,the vast majority of the free trade agreement, regional trade arrangements for all 72%, a total of 175, the customs union 22, accounting for 9%, the regional tradeagreement on trade in services and licenseimplementation easy integration of a total of 46,accounting for the total regional trade the integration of the 19%, in which the goods, also relates to service trade has 17 free trade agreements and 1 customs unionarrangements. At present, the regional trade agreementin addition to, the traditional bilateral complex boundaryforms, also appeared between regional trade group is negotiating agreements, such as the EU common market of the south.


答1:小国的关税政策对国际产品的买入价格没有影响,则加上进口的关税成本,小国国内民众在消费国际进口产品时将付出更多,国内民众的购买力相对下降,国家采取征收关税的贸易保护主义政策后,国内的福利水平也相应下降。答2:这是一个简单的比例问题,以单位人口(百万人口)所拥有的机器台数(千台机器)来说,A国是15/45=0.33,B国是10/20=0.5,相对的B国资本丰富,而A国劳动力丰富。 B国生产资本密集型的商品S具有比较优势。资本密集型的商品需要较大的设备机器投入,相对的B国的单位人口的机器台数多于A国,虽然A国的总的机器台数多于B国,但是如果在A国生产商品S,则A国会有更多的剩余劳动力没有工作,A国的社会负担会更重。...







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