

03月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[公司评选优秀员工要一份个人综述]各位力成的领导、朋友们: 你们好,我是陈X,来自AP。很荣兴能站在台上和大家共度美好的新年。。从加入力成后,非常珍惜这份工作,作为FVI的一位普通员工,谢谢大家对我的鼓励与支持。...+阅读


A company's annual report must contain three key financial statements -- the Balance Sheet (BS),the Income Statement (IS),and the Statement of Changes in Financial Positions (SCFP).An unqualified audit opinion from the auditor will not be possible if any of the three statements is absent.In an unqualified audit report,the auditor certifies that the audited financial statements are prepared in accordance with of the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and are able to fairly present the company's financial position at the end of the financial year and its performance as well as the changes in financial positions for the financial year.An unqualified audit report is also known as a "clean" report.


The first kind is stated according to its place where one stays: A.Protective measure (for appraise office range follow, appraise the procedure about independence job normal counterpart on auditing environment that carry out; Audit unit senior administration and supervision authorities support, release reliable financial message and the auditor's independence; By some being public to supervise whom group issue for standardize auditor behavioral rule and vocational guidance bill; Legal liability which the auditor and other participants face on the capital market,etc.); B.Store in as its quality control protective measure to the inside of accounting firm (Until office high level demand and expect auditor according to public interests and importance and auditor requirement operation of independence that audit with high quality; Build occupational environment and culture of a kind of support of the personnel in accordance with auditor's independence on the inside of office; Audit quality assurance program,etc.).The second kind is stated according to its essence: A.Protecting protective measure. Such as emphasizing the direction procedure of the independent importance to the auditor who is employed newly; B.To in the protective measure of the threat of particular environmental kind of appearances; C.Through improve, find possibility come, frighten, violate other protective measure behavioral protective measure. Check the investment behavior forbidden such as the securities investment combination appraising the auditor; D.Come, frighten, violate other protective measure behavioral protective measure in order to person who punish, violate. For instance license which revokes the auditor.The third according to limited by it to unfavorable to auditor activity and range of the relation of independence state: A.Absolutely forbid. Such as restrain auditor with any from audit unit have direct financial investment; B.Allow but limit some ranges or forms of activities or relations. Such as restrain auditor from audit unit have financial interests directly; C.Allow some activities and relations but need his policy and procedure to dispel or lighten and threaten. If auditors should rotate legally; D.Allow some activity and relation require auditor to audit unit administration and supervision authorities, Commission on Audit, Board meeting or other departments announce relevant message. Such as to audit unit Commission on Audit announce auditor to audit into essence and service expense charged of service that unit offer.Can be dispelled or lightened by above-mentioned various threats which is unfavorable to auditor's independence more effectively through these different protective measures described above.


Corporate finance theory, Intermediate Microeconomics, Intermediate Macroeconomics, investment, multivariate statistical analysis, the modern theory of the audit, international accounting research, theoretical studies of modern accounting, economics, Principles of Accounts, mid-level financial accounting, cost management and Accounting, financial management, auditing, high-level financial accounting, management principles, international financial management, international business management.


追问: 大哥,还是麻烦你告诉我专业的课程,好不! 回答: 基础会计,工业会计,审计,统计,成本会计、西方经济学,会计英语,财务会计与管理,财经应用与写作、专业课程基本上是这些的。同时还要修完学校规定的文化课程的,应该有大学语文、微积分、大学英语、政治经济学、高数


(二)、概率论与统计、计算机应用等 追问: 蒽,多谢多谢,不介意我在问个问题吧…那个金融与投资管理这个专业的课题呢?我要在这两个专业中选一个!麻烦了,多谢 回答: 我感觉金融专业要好一些的 追问: 为什么是课程好修?还是证好靠还是就业工作好?大哥,你说清楚,我追加分上去!多谢 追问: 你说啊 回答: 我认为课程相对来说,要简单一些的,相关的会计证一定要混到手呀,否则就业还是不理想的,就业除了凭证件之外,还得有能力的,在上学期间也要练就一些本领的,否则社会不会选择你的 追问: 可我对金融这个专业很迷茫啊


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