

03月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[高中英语作文重点句型]Everybody wants to get wealth. In today's material world, making money or becoming wealthy symbolizes a person's success and capability. Many people just make e...+阅读


love doing enjoy doing give sb. sth. buy sth. for sb. buy sb. sth. send sth. to sb. send sb. sth. you'd better (not) do sth. different from...(不同于) be concerned with (与...有关的) be concerned about (关心,挂念) be concerned for (关心,挂念) request/ask sth. from sb.(像某人所要某物) request/ask sb. to do sth.(要求(请求)某人做某事) command sb. to do sth.(命令某人做某事) be based on (以...为根据) as a result of (因为...的结果) on account of (因为) because of +介词短语/n./代词/动名词(v.-ing) because + 引导原因状语/表语从句(就是+句子) the same ...as (表示同类事物) the same...that (表示同一个事物) prefer sb. to do(更宁愿让某人做) prefer that...(宁愿...+虚拟语气) prefer A to B (喜欢A胜于B) prefer to do(更喜欢) prefer to do ...rather than do(宁愿做...) prefer doing sht. than doing sth. dream about sth./doing sth. dream of sth./doing sth. make up one's mind to do sth.(下定决心做某事) determine on/upon (doing)sth.(下定决心做某事) be determined on/upon (doing)sth.(下定决心做某事) change one's mind (改变主意) keep one's mind on sth.(专心于某事) lose one's mind (失去理智) keep...in mind(记住) the number of + is a number of + are 记得的都打出来了, 有一些对作文挺有帮助的,希望能帮到你. 话说我初中毕业时,听说后面年级的书的难度加强了很多……貌似挺变态的…… 反正就是句型之类的……句型的话 是不是初一都可以用吧?!


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出几个小学英语重点句型单词How are you? Fine, thanks 你好吗? 很好,谢谢! What is it? It is a blackboard. 它是什么? 它是一块黑板。 What's your name? My name is Jenny. 你叫什么名字?我叫詹妮。 Whe...

八年级下册物理重点详解泸科版: 初二物理 复习纲要 一、长度的测量 1、长度的测量 长度的测量是最基本的测量,最常用的工具是刻度尺。 2、长度的单位及换算 长度的国际单位是米(m),常用的单位有千米(Km),分...

高效精炼英语初一下册61 62页答案1. B C D A E 2. 1) by bus 2) by train 3) on foot by bike 2 1. C A B F D E 3. on foot by bus by bike 3 1. on foot by bike by bus by train / by car… 2. 1) B 2) A...

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小学英语重点句型1 what + be的疑问句型。例如:What's your name? What are those things? 2 how + be 的疑问句型。例如:How are you? How is your mother? 3 there + be 句型。例如:There are...

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