

03月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[怎样翻译成英语:十年修得同船渡百年修得共枕眠]1.Ten years of cultivation, you derived today's Yuan to ferry in a same boat. A hundred years of cultivation, you derived today's Yuan to share bed and pillow....+阅读


松花蛋 pidan preserved duck egg century eggs (不地道)至于为何译成“百年蛋”可以追溯它的历史了。 最初的皮蛋是怎样制成的?一说相传明代泰昌(公元1620年8月1日~公元1620年9月)年间,江苏吴江县 一家小茶馆,店主会做生意,所以买卖兴隆。由于人手少,店主在应酬客人时,随手将泡过的茶叶倒在炉灰中,说来也巧,店主还养了几只鸭子,爱在炉灰堆中下蛋,主人拾蛋时,难免有遗漏。一次,店主人在清除炉灰茶叶渣时,发现了不少鸭蛋,他以为不能吃了。谁知剥开一看,里面黝黑光亮,上面还有白色的花纹,闻一闻,一种特殊香味扑鼻而来;尝一尝,鲜滑爽口。这就是最初的皮蛋。也许是几百年的历史缘故,所以松花蛋也被译成“百年蛋”吧。

为什么皮蛋的英文是100year egg

Hundred- year Egg Also called century egg, thousand-year egg and Ming Dynasty egg, all of which are eggs that have been preserved by being covered with a coating of lime, ashes and salt before being shallowly buried for 100 days. The lime “petrifies” the egg, making it look like it's been buried for at least a century. 又叫明朝特有的蛋,蛋被层层包裹着而且还被埋起来,这让人看起来像被埋了至少一个世纪坏掉的一样,因此而得名。



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