

03月28日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[国外探亲邀请函模板]Invitation Letter Dec 30 Visa Section US General Consulate Beijing, P.R.China Dear Sir or Madam: My name is (Passport No: G), my daughter and I came to USA to a...+阅读


A FORMAL VISA INVITATION Dear Sir or Madam: We are very pleased to invite Mr. *** come to our factory for visiting and business negotiation. The business trip will start from 18th April 2005 . And because the long business co-operation in future between **对方公司名 and us, they will come to China for many times. Please note, however, that we don't assume any legal or financial responsibility whatever regarding the presence of ****** in China. All expenses of *****'Sjourney to/from China, their stay in China as well as health insurance will be borne by their employers. We send you our kindest regards and best wishes for a pleasant trip. Yours sincerely, General Manager signatur July 29, 2005 XXX, CEO XXX, VP Sales XXXXXXXX Corporation (Address) It's our great honor to invite you to visit XXX Company located at (address) in August, 2003. This visit will provide an opportunity for you to make a better understanding of our marketing issues, and to communicate our future business cooperation in detail. XXX Company, as one of your distributors in China, has been great progressing in promoting and selling your products. We believe this visit will be of great benefit to our future business cooperation. Please use this invitation letter to apply for your VISA to China. We are all looking forward to seeing you soon, and should you have any questions, please feel free to inform me. Yours truly,


尊敬的 先生/女士: 您好!我们很荣幸地邀请您参加将于5月15-16日在北京21世纪饭店举办的“第27届联合国粮食及农业组织亚太地区大会非政府组织磋商会议”。本次会议的主题是:从议程到行动——继“非政府组织粮食主权论坛”之后。此次磋商会议由联合国粮农组织(FAO)和国际粮食主权计划委员会亚洲分会(IPC-Asia)主办,中国国际民间组织合作促进会协办。届时,来自亚太地区80多个民间组织的100余名代表将参加会议。本次会议宣言将在5月17-21日召开的27届联合国粮食及农业组织亚太地区大会上宣读。 本次会议的主要议题包括: 1.亚太地区粮食和农业领域的非政府组织如何在地区和国家层面执行“全球行动议程/公民社会战略”。 2.亚太地区粮食和农业领域的非政府组织如何根据目前形势确定今后行动的参与者。

3.参会机构起草非政府组织建议书提交给第27届联合国粮食及农业组织亚太地区会议,继续呼吁维护农民的利益。 真诚地期待着您的积极支持与参与! 国际计划委员会亚洲分会代表 中国xxxxxxx 2007年4月20日 2007年4月20日...


有一个会展需要邀请国外客户参加会展 看看模式吧! How to Write an Invitation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your invitation sets the tone for your party'take time to think about what you want it to communicate. Steps: 1. Decide on the tone, voice and level of formality you're going to use, based on the event itself. This will dictate whether you handwrite the cards or have them printed, and whether you choose a preprinted or personalized invitation. 2. Consider making a theme invitation'using such items as travel postcards, photographs and envelopes studded with confetti'for a casual, festive occasion. 3. Choose what type of card you want and order or buy a few more than you think you'll need. This will permit you to add some guests to your list at the last minute, if necessary. For small parties, you may want to handwrite the invitations on stationery or blank cards. For large gatherings, consider ordering invitations. 4. Determine the wording based on the level of formality. For example, a formal invitation might say, 'Dr. and Mrs. Stanley request the pleasure of your company,' whereas a more casual note might say, 'Please join us.' 5. Include the names of the host and/or hostess, as well as the place, time, date and purpose of the party, even if it's a simple get-together. Make sure to add RSVP information. 6. Include a respond-by date in a formal invitation so you can get an accurate head count in time to adjust the amount of food, number of place settings and room size. For a wedding, charity function or other formal event, consider including a response card and a stamped, self-addressed envelope inside the big envelope. 7. Mail invitations three weeks before most events, four weeks before a formal affair. For events held during the December holidays, send invitations around Thanksgiving. Tips: Use precisely the kind of RSVP method that best serves the occasion: a response card for a head count, a telephone number for expediency, or an e-mail address if you know that the invitees have computers. Large dinner parties, debuts, receptions and weddings call for written invitations. Count out those who don't respond, but be prepared in case a few nonresponders show up. Printing invitations costs much more but is worthwhile if you are planning a formal or large event. For less formal occasions, consider using social planning Web sites, such as .evite.com, to send electronic invitations. Example Letter of Invitation August 1, 2004 John Smith Visa Services 123 Any Road City, Country Mr. Smith, The American Evaluation Association (AEA) is pleased to invite Dr. Angela Doe to attend our Annual Conference to be held November 1-7, 2004 in Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America. AEA's conference offers a forum for the professional exchange of knowledge and skills related to evaluation. Over 1500 people are expected to be in attendance from over 50 countries. They will have the opportunity to learn from 600+ speakers via presentations including workshops, panels, and paper sessions. The contributions of international attendees such as Dr. Doe enrich the program through enhancing the diversity of perspectives and content represented. AEA members value the opportunity to learn from and with our international colleagues. If you have any questions or concerns, or if I may be of assistance in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me. Susan Kistler Manager, American Evaluation Associatio



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国外考察邀请函各有关单位: 目前,我国桥梁建设取得了举世瞩目的发展成就,新一轮跨江、跨海桥梁建设高潮正在展开。在现代化交通运输业大发展的背景下,国际间的交流与合作不断增强,为促进我国桥...


国外客户邀请函格式邀请信是邀请亲朋好友或知名人士、专家等参加某项活动时所发的请约性书信。下面是小编为大家搜集整理的国外客户邀请函格式,欢迎大家阅读与借鉴,希望能够给你带来帮助。 篇一:...

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邀请国外客人邀请函怎么写样本急A FORMAL VISA INVITATION Dear Sir or Madam: We are very pleased to invite Mr. *** come to our factory for visiting and business negotiation. The business trip w...

写一份国外公司英文邀请我公司的邀请函不知道你想写的内容是什么 给你找了个 按这个格式写就可以了 TO ********* Dear Sir or Madam: We are very pleased to invite Mr. *** come to our factory for visiting...

邀请国外客人邀请函怎么写样本急A FORMAL VISA INVITATION Dear Sir or Madam: We are very pleased to invite Mr. *** come to our factory for visiting and business negotiation. The business trip w...
