

03月29日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[请高手帮忙解释一下什么是永不言败的空想家]所谓"空想"是指对只想不作的一形容. 每个人都有想的权利·· 曹禺 曾在《雷雨》的第一幕中说:“他有着一切孩子的空想,他的脸色通红,眼睛欣喜地闪动着。” 所以空想有时候不是坏...+阅读


some opinions on writing in english language It seems that the most difficult language skill for a student is the writing skill. Here I would like to share some of my ideas on how沪耽高甘薨仿胳湿供溅 to practice. At first, you need to think in English, which means to forget that you are a Chinese (even though you are), then try to write it down. Learn to think like a native from an English speaking country can be the best way to study that language for those who look english as a second language. Next, do not stop reading. Making Reading one of your hobbies can be a great help since those articles and books make you see the way in which those native speakers think and express. But if you are just starting your journey of studying english. The recommendation should be given of spending more of your spare time on reading than writing. Thirdly, I find that to speak with and listen to those natives can also be a help, for the written english is more like the spoken one in syntax than what you thought it should have been. That means the most foundamental part of writing could be to write down what you wish to speak. Finally, Those quotes and poets are great sentences, but bear in mind while you use them that much of them were composed in some abnormal ways of sentence structure, which can be different from those we run into each day. If becoming a newspaper editor or a professional writer is not your dream, it is not necessarily appropriate to imitate the ways those poets and authors do.







Statistical methods:

The testing of whether variables in each group are normally distributed will be conducted. To analyze the data that are not normally distributed, logarithmic transformation will be performed. The chi-square test will be used to compare various factors between the groups. (有几组?)A multivariate ordered logistic regression model will be used to analyze the factors relating to difficult IUD removal. Statistical analysis will be conducted by using SPSS 11.5.


8. random variable:随机变量 binomial random variables: 二项式随机变量9. sampling distribution:样本分布 parameters:系数 statistic inference: 统计推断13. testing hypothesis:假设检验 confidence interval: 置信区间14. simple regression: 简单回归15. categorical variables: 分类变数 chi-square 卡方分布 goodness-of-fit 拟合优度检验主要的知识点已翻译,其他应该没什么问题了吧 :)...


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应用文写作方面的题请高手来做一下.确立应用文的主旨就是(a ) A.广播稿 二、多选。错选.基础 B.突出重点 C.主体式 22.对具体事物、少选或未选均无分.结尾 14.意向书 B.类型 3.导语式 C.布置性通知又叫(c ) A。 2...

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