

03月29日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[请求帮写一篇英语商务邀请信]英语邀请信 Dear sir/madam ORGANIZATION would very much like to have someone from your company speak at our conference on TOPIC. As you may be aware the mission...+阅读


In the modern economic conditions, the author from income profitable purpose, most new book exists in the form of traditional books. Meanwhile, traditional books is printing production listed, general beautifully printed chart and so on, and explain, facilitating understanding, of course, because the computer is now widespread, many electronic text reading function, so ebook also has its necessity of existence, and there were many electronic magazine also do good, sound and color, and vivid animation, see this kind of books and more than reading the traditional books much a few minutes fun. When I above analysis, I think ebook won't replace traditional books, each has his strong point, each have each market....


As the world has been more and more modern,a lot of old things had changed,like the internet has taken place the possion of TV and the Ebook is taking place the possion of the traditional book.At first,we have to admit that Ebook is a cheaper way for reading,and it also saves a lot of room---you do not need to keep a place to put your books!And when you want to read a new book,yo just need to surf on the internet to find it,instead of going a lot of bookstores.that is amazing for us students because you will never need to carry your heavy schoolbags.what is more,wo can protect forest by using Ebook not paper books.But all coins have two sides.It will case a number of illness because hang your hand for a very long time.And the eyesight will drop ,too.so,we have balence both,fair use can lead us to a better and more convenient life.中学(偏高)水平32313133353236313431303231363533e4b893e5b19e31333332623961,望采纳~不排除有错词,自己检查一下吧,我已经检查过一次了,应该是没有语法错误。



With the development of scientific technique,the number of electronic books become more and more great and they also become more and more popular with people.There is a discussion about whether the traditiona books will be took place by the electronic books.Some people agree that the E-books will take the traditional books in the future because the Internet is more and more widely spread.In order to save time people will choose E-books to read.However some others don't think so.They insist that E-books won't instead of traditional books.They think the most people love the words on pieces of paper and don't like reading facing the computers.

In my opinion,I don't think E-books will take the traditional books.And I prefer both of them will exist in our life.Because they will give us more information and knowledge and we can make good use of each.


Digital age, written record form has revolutionary transformation, the keyboard "knock on words such as fly" often instead of a painting of a Chinese writing. But along with the more time using the computer, mobile phone, "thought the phenomenon of the word" forget is also more and more see. In addition to "forget" to write words, some people have these "symptoms" : easy to write a wrong character, handwritten difficult to express his views, the worse the written word even fear handwritten. This is because the computer technology and network technology, especially the developed increasingly has been in the people who work in daily life, due to the nature of the work or the fast pace of life, gradually ignore the constraints of writing skills exercise, many people so that the shape of the Chinese characters can only roughly, but can not write to write correctly specific radical and structure. Putting pen to write a wrong character, word frequency forget, is becoming a worrisome cultural phenomenon.中文翻译:数字化时代,文字记录方式发生革命性变革,键盘上“敲字如飞”常常代替了一笔一画的汉字书写。




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请求帮写一篇英语商务邀请信???英语邀请信 Dear sir/madam ORGANIZATION would very much like to have someone from your company speak at our conference on TOPIC. As you may be aware the mission...

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