

04月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求帮忙写一篇三人英语口语对话]A: Hey , guys , it has been such a long time since last time saw you both, you've changed a lot. How was your life? B:Well, glad to meet you guys again. My life...+阅读


D:David M:Mark D:Hi,Mark,you look pale today,what's wrong with you? M:Well, I've got just finished a small operation D:oh, I am sorry to hear that.do you feel better now? M:Much better.I've took the medicine which the doctore had asked me to take. D:Thanks godness!you had better mind your own health next time.By the way,is the doctor professional? M:oh maybe,he looks professional. D:Jesus,I have heard that the doctors are not professional in some hospitals in our city,that makes many patinents upset.Many hospitals are not strict with their doctors. M:I hope I am lucky.I went to the North Wall hospital. D;oh that is a good one.how do you know that hospital? M:the ads of course. D:Got it.I have saw their ads many times. M:I think the ads really help them a lot. D:I can not agree no more.well,actually you need rest.maybe I will come to your home and pay you a visit.What do you do in your spare time? M:I am fond of chatting on the Internet.Can you give me your QQ number so that we can chat online. D:My pleasure.See you online! M:See you!


(S:sophomores, F:freshman) S: Hi, good morning, I am Ross. I am a sophomore in this university. Is there anything I can hel you? F: Hi, good morning, I am Kelvin. I am a freshman in this university. So, you see. I am nearly a stranger here. Would you like to tell me something about our campus life? S: Oh, yes, of course. It is necessary to help the freshmen to orient themselves to university life. Ok, what do you want to know? F:Meal is very important. Where can we eat inside the school? S: There are four canteens in our school. Our school canteen provides us with three meals a day. And school will give you a new meal card. You deposit some money in it and then you use that card to buy your food. F:Oh, that sounds good. Thanks. And how is the condition of the dormitory? S: It's good. Four students are living in a 4-bed room .Each student has his own desk and chair. And the room has independent Bathroom. F: I like living in the dormitory. Living the house is really very sociable; I can make friends with different people with different background. But is there any place I can go when I want to find a quiet place to study? S: Yes, you can go to the library or go to the class room. They are open to the students from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. F: Thank you very much, you are really helpful. S: You are welcome. How about after lunch I can show you around the campus? And I can tell you more about the campus life. F: Yes, I'd love to. That's nice you. S:(嗨,早上好,我叫Ross.我是这个学校二年级的学生。

有什么我可以帮忙的吗?) F:(嗨,早上好,我叫Kelvin.我是这所大学的大一新生。你瞧,我基本上一点也不熟悉这里。可以请你告诉我一些这里的校园生活吗?) S:噢,当然可以。帮助大一新生适应大学生活是必要的。好的,你想知道什么呢?) F:(用餐非常重要,在学校里面我们可以去哪吃饭呢?) D:(我们学校有四个食堂。学校食堂为我们提供一日三餐,然后学校要给你一张新的饭卡,你先存一些钱进去然后你就可以用这张卡买你的食物) F:(听起来不错,谢谢。这里宿舍的条件怎么样?) S:(还不错。四个学生一起住在一间宿舍。每个学生都有自己的桌子和椅子。而且有独立的卫生间。) F:(我喜欢住在宿舍,住在学校宿舍很能锻炼人的社交能力,我可以与各种不同背景的人交往。

)(但是当我想找个安静的地方学习怎么办?) S:(你可以去图书馆或者教室, 它们对学生从早上6点一直开放到晚上11点) F:(非常谢谢你,你真是帮了大忙) S:(你太客气了。吃完午饭我带你逛逛校园怎么样?) F:(好的,我非常愿意。你太好了。)


B: Hello,A.Are you free tonight?

A: Yes.What's up?

B: I hear that you're going to go back to Australia one month later.I want to invite you to have supper and have a gift for you.

A: WOW,woderful.Why don't we meet on the day I leave?

B: Sorry, I can't accompany you on that day,becasue I have to listen to a lecture next day.

A: Well,I see.Then let's meet tonight at the restaurant.

B: Great. See you then.

A: See you.


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