

04月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求一封英语道歉信]Dear Mr/Mrs XXX, I am writing to apologize sincerely for my absence of your English class last week. From the bottom of my heart, I had never planned to escape...+阅读


Dear friend,

Thank you for your read my mail.

Our company is a modern chemical enterprice,and our company has several large factories in Hebei province.

We can offer many chemical raw and chemical products.The quality of chemical products is ensured.

Now many chemical raw is rise in price,if you need realise Chinese manufacturer and the price list.I can help you.

Of course,I wish we can become friends.If there is anything that I hope I could help you.Maybe we can through MSN contact each other.

We are sincerly want to establish long term relationship with your respect company,any questions pls feel free to contact us.

Of course if you need,I would attach our part of the products list.

I am looking forward your letter.

Best regards!



To whom it may concern,

As informed on your website, TOEFL is requested for non-English speakers. I'm wondering if ITTLS could be an alternative since I'd taken that test already, and if affirmative kindly inform the lowest points required.

Thank you in advance for your help.




一个不明确的主题,会让客人根本没兴趣去打开陌生人的邮件。这个就需要经验了,内容要言简意赅,直接吸引客人通过主题去点开邮件,目的就达到了。至于他看了以后有没有反应,就要看实际情况和你内容的功力了。有些人写邮件会这样设置主题:“we are the manufacturer of lights”,又或者“need cooperation”,或者“Guangdong *** trading company ltd”,或者“price list for lights-Guangdong *** trading company ltd”等等,一看就知道是推销信。当你一个礼拜就收到一封推销信,你可能会有兴趣看看,但是如果你一天收到N封推销信,估计就会很厌烦,直接删掉算是客气的了。所以如何把主题写好,让客人知道这是封推销信,还是要忍不住打开看看?就要根据之际情况来判断了。

举个例子吧,假设我是做太阳能灯的公司DEF Co. Ltd,目前公司最大的客人是美国的Home Depot,尽管可能是通过贸易商做的,不是直接合作,但是完全可以当作一个开发新客人的筹码!如果我要写一封开发信给美国的ABC inc(这个名字是我编的),我从google上了解了一些这个公司的信息,知道他们是美国的进口商,有做太阳能灯系列,希望能试着开发这个客人,我一般会这样写主题,“Re: ABC inc/Home Depot vendor-solar light/DEF Co., Ltd.”

其中,ABC inc代表了客人的公司名,你在写给他的主题上首先加上他公司名,表示对他们公司的尊重;Home Depot vendor-solar light明确表示你是北美第二大零售商Home Depot的太阳能灯供应商,既表明了实力,也勾起他的兴趣;最后的DEF Co., Ltd.代表自己公司。这样一来,假设你找对了人,这个正是ABC公司太阳能灯的buyer,又或者是他的某一个主管,突然某一天收到这么一个主题的邮件,哇,home depot的供应商找上来了,太棒了,应该看看是不是有合作机会,是不是比原有供应商更好?他打开邮件的概率会非常非常大!再说了,这个主题设置的还有一个好处,就是客人即使暂时不回你邮件,只是放在收件箱里,但是将来某一天他突然想让你报报价,很容易就能找到这封邮件!只要关键词输入home depot,保证一下子就找到。


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