
Sea biscuit英文简评

04月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[霍兰德职业兴趣测试sea适合什么职业]霍兰德职业兴趣测试sea适合的职业如下: 1、企业型(E): 追求权力、权威和物质财富,具有领导才能。喜欢竞争、敢冒风险、有野心、抱负。为人务实,习惯以利益得失,权利、地位、金钱等...+阅读

Sea biscuit英文简评

Seabiscuit (2003) A wonderful story of the underdog who rises above adversity to become a champion. A very good wholesome movie for the entire family. Good period settings and costumes and interesting plot of a broken down horse who brought three broken down people together who all ended up happy. A simple, believable concept. Good scenery throughout also. I have read a lot of negative comments about this movie by those who called it boring and tiresome but that simply isn't true. Does a movie have to have profanity and lots of CGI imagery in it to be considered good ? I don't think so. Acting was very good but I thought the most believable scene was when Red's parents gave up their son because they couldn't afford to keep him anymore. That scene was very sad and based on fact where parents were placed in the terrible position to give up their children like that during the depression. What struck me funny is that Red Pollard never reunited with his family after he became one of the most famous jockeys in the country but I guess thats the way it was back in those days. Wonderful cast and exciting horse racing scenes that brought the viewer into the race and projected the energy and danger involved. It is interesting to note that horse racing was a bigger sport in its heyday than football or baseball. Bill Macy was also memorable as the funny and witty radio announcer A good movie for the entire family.


其实如果你只想要应付的话 你就可是说

Your speech is great, but is still a lack of self-confidence.


You sound good, but not enough solid basic skills.


Your language is very fluent, but speech is not enough deep understanding of the content


The language of your organization, the voices are very good, also very confident, I really like



I hope you continue to work



I look forward to your next performance



Poet makes different beautiful things combined to describe the Spring's beauties. For example the first paragraph he used varied birds such as Nightingale, Lark to reflect arrival of the Spring. We all know birds' sound represents flower blooming of which a sign of the Spring comes. The second paragraph he placed boy and girl as a metaphor of sweetness and purity description. Mr Black's emotion on Spring can be seen as well as reflected either human-like or creature-like.

跪求俩篇英语写的电影影评卑鄙的我赎罪 200词左右

卑鄙的我: Sometimes in the past while watching animated movies of all sorts, I've lulled myself into thinking most characters are interchangeable, in that it didn't matter who voiced the character, as long as they did it competently. Now, after seeing and enjoying "Despicable Me" I'll never have those thoughts again. With absolute certainty I will say, Steve Carell voicing the main character Gru is what makes this movie rise above ordinary. He is just made for this kind of stuff and could make the rest of his career on it, never appearing on screen himself. Steve Carell's character, Gru, views himself as the most despicable person ever, anywhere. But suddenly he is upstaged by a young man, Vector, who steals the shrinking machine. We see this early on when tourists find out the great pyramid is an inflatable prop, because Vector shrunk the real one and stole it. So Gru decides to steal the shrinking machine from Vector, and to pull the most audacious theft in history, will build a rocket to take him to the moon, shrink the moon, and bring it back with him. Pretty ambitious stuff! But he needs help to get into Vector's fortress and, when he notices three orphan girls get in easily, decides to adopt the girls and use them in his scheme. Somewhere along the path to his crimes Gru, the most despicable person on Earth, begins to care about the three girls, and that is the humanity of the story. But all in all it is just a silly cartoon story, fun to watch, but Steve Carell with his superb vocal acting makes it worth seeing. I was fascinated by the extras on the DVD. This movie was made by a large number of people scattered all over the world, never all at the same place. They used modern communications and linking technology to operate as one big team, rather than being physically together. 赎罪: "Atonement" tells a story of a young girl (Saoirse Ronan) who witnesses a terrible thing which changes many lives dramatically. What is real and what is the truth? "Atonement" plays with these subjects. Joe Wright has directed a brilliant drama where beautiful scenery and great story play the biggest part. The brilliant novel by Ian McEwan is fitted to the silver screen fantastically. The suspense is holding you tight in its grip. The music supports the movie and gives a delightful touch to the storytelling. The cast especially James McAvoy as Robbie and young and talented Saoirse Ronan as Briony deliver their roles with such a presence. The appearance of Vanessa Redgrave is great also. The episodic scene technique was imaginative and very mind-teasing which was a very essential ingredient to the plot. It was very surprising that director Wright didn't get a Oscar nomination for his achievement. The screenplay of Christopher Hampton also lost in the Academy Awards. Both Wright and Hampton did a superb job. But this was clearly a year of the Coen brothers, very well earned of course. Gladly Dario Marianelli won the Golden Statue for best achievement in music. "Atonement" is a clever, beautiful, emotional and touching experience. Definitely a worth watching!
